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Do you know somebody with asthma? Well, nine times out of ten you. Me, myself, I was born with asthma so I can relate in some many ways to this topic. Asthma affects many Americans each and every day and it’s becoming more common in humans as the years past. I’m hear to spread awareness about asthma and to give you a little more insight on the topic. Asthma is caused by inflammation in the airways. When an asthma attack occurs, the muscles surrounding the airways become tight and the lining of the air passages swells. This reduces the amount of air that can pass by. Symptoms include wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. Sometimes you might even feel an itchy sensation in your throat or chest. Asthma can be triggered by a number of things. Most, of the time it’s triggered by the environment. The weather changes can have a effect on them and even something going down the wrong pipe can cause one. I myself have experienced this. Asthma is a very common disease. It affects more than 4.8 million children, making it the most common serious chronic disease among children. The treatment for it is another story. Asthma treatment can vary from anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator asthma inhalers to oral medications to asthma drugs delivered in an asthma nebulizer or breathing machine. There are two types of asthma medications: long-term control and quick-relief medications. Long-term control medications are preventive, taken daily to achieve and maintain control of asthma symptoms. Quick-relief medications are used to treat asthma attacks. They relieve symptoms rapidly and are taken on an as-needed basis.
Daffin 3 It is also a very expensive disease. The estimated economic cost of asthma is $19.7 billion annually. That varies from hospital visits, inhalers,