Assumption about Social work Administrators
Kathleen Collins
Fayetteville State University
Management of Human Service Organizations
SWRK 635
Oliver J. Johnson, Ph.D., LCSW, LCAS, CCS
March 29, 2015 A major assumption concerning administration in Social work requires a basic understanding of, and a fundamental commitment to basic work values includes substantial knowledge of Social Work as a professional service to people. Strong identification with the profession of Social Work and its fundamental purpose is needed.
Social work administrators must know and integrate the social work practice and administrative theory in its work values. The Social work administrators primarily engage in establishing effective work relationships with and between the people of the agency. Social work administrators are responsible for the quality of services rendered.
To continue the process of identifying social welfare needs the community where the agency serve should use three of the major areas of responsibilities where administrators are held accountable include the continuous assessment of and evaluation of how the agency is doing its job in the policy formation requires asking how the agency is doing to stay at the top of their game. There is no universal format that exists. Each organization develops a specific method to meet its needs.
When establishing or revising a particular performance, there are some formats that may facilitate the agencies need. Such questions may be asked to address or reflect the organizational values and goals. Does it apply qualitative or quantitative standards or both? Other question may assess whether the appraisal is being used for analyzing performance or for other purposes such as salary determination, promotions, reassignments, disciplinary action, or layoffs?
The appraisal should be user friendly, and it should be reliable and valid. It should also address whether it is likely to motivate appropriate behaviors. Human service organizations also encounter continuous problems related to behaviors or outcomes. An effective manager should focus on outcome; realistically these can be difficult to measure, and can be influenced by elements that are not in the staff’s control.Some methods that can, may be used are graphic rating scales, behaviorally anchored rating scales, critical incidents and management by objectives.
The concept of theory X = motivational management=getting by doing the bare minimum. These managers have a narrow view and are viewed as micro managers. Comparing this to theory Y these managers subscribe to a belief that people are inherently good. Employees are allowed to do their jobs. An effective working relationship with and between people is viewed as having good basic people skills.
Leadership should be a matter of defining, redefining, interpreting and utilizing the agency’s purpose. This includes listening to your staff so that they know you truly understand their ideas and concerns. This will minimize and clarify any misunderstanding. Help staff reflect on what’s happening in the agency. You may address what the employee thinks is happening and why, and why do the employee think your reaction was different from others.
When helping staff in developing skills, start with those that are easy to master and proceed to those that are more difficult. A certain amount of trial and error should be expected; if change is required regarding different behaviors, work on the easiest one first. Set intermediate goals and objectives that lead to an ultimate objective. Ideally where an employee who has a need to reduce controlling behavior the administrator/manager might encourage the employee to hold back opinions at meetings until others have had a chance to express their idea.
When handling multiple roles the administrator should not be focused on the encouraging and supportive functions of the coaching role. Sorting