Btec Level 3 Health & Social Care
Unit 4 – Development through the Life Stages
2 – Changes due to the Ageing Process.
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By completing the tasks in this assignment you will cover the following learning outcomes and grading criteria.
Learning Outcome(s)
Understand physical and psychological changes of ageing.
Grading Criteria
Criteria Met
(Assessor Signature)
Explain two theories of ageing.
Explain the physical and psychological changes which may be associated with ageing.
Criteria Met
(Assessor Signature)
Discuss two major theories of ageing in relation to the development of the individual.
Discuss the effects on self-esteem and self-confidence of the physical changes associated with ageing.
Criteria Met
(Assessor Signature)
Evaluate the influence of two major theories of ageing on health and social care provision.
Assignment Brief Internally Verified
IV Name
IV Signature
Knowledge of human growth and development through the life stages is important for learners who are considering careers in the health or social care sectors because it will assist their understanding of the needs of individuals at different stages of life, including their potential care needs. This unit will enable you to gain understanding of the different life stages and how people grow and develop. It requires you to reflect on the importance of a variety of factors and major life events on the development of individuals, and to consider the nature-nurture debate. The unit will also allow you to gain an insight into the ageing process and to understand both positive and negative perspectives of ageing.
What you have to produce
You will have to produce a fact file on a chosen individual which demonstrates your understanding of the following areas;
Theories of ageing: eg activity theory, disengagement theory
Puberty/menopause: hormonal control
Physical changes:
- cardiovascular system: eg atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease
- respiratory system: eg asthma, emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - nervous system: eg degeneration of sense organs or nervous tissue, cognitive changes, motor neurone disease
- musculo-skeletal: eg muscle thinning, decline in mobility, arthritis
- skin: eg loss of elasticity
- illnesses that are more likely to occur as a result of ageing
Psychological changes: in relation to, eg confidence, self-esteem
Negative perspectives: eg effects of retirement, role changes, loss of partner, loss of peers, ageism, financial concerns
Positive perspectives: eg effects of retirement, role changes, learning for pleasure, leisure pursuits, cultural variations
You are nearing the end of the ‘fact file’ you were asked to produce for the care home regional project. The final section will focus on growing older. You now need to explore the potential physical and psychological changes your chosen individual will experience as they enter the final stages of their life. You need to imagine how some of these changes could affect both your chosen individual in the future and health and social provision.
Tasks Task 1 (P4)
Investigate two main theories of ageing and produce a leaflet that can be added to your ‘fact file’ which explains the two theories. You could choose to explain disengagement and activity theory or you could research alternative theories such as continuity theory.
Task 2 (M2)
To achieve M2 you need to discuss the degree to which your chosen individual might disengage or stay actively involved with social activities as they become older. You might like to consider the role of continuity (how important it will be for your individual to keep their interests) when you discuss disengagement and activity theory.