Assignment #2
ECE 113 0NB/0NC
Fall 2014
Area to be considered
Below expectations (1)
Satisfies expectations
Exceeds expectations
APA was not followed
APA was attempted but not consistently and errors were made.
APA is done at all levels
Uses current research to support presentation Uses ELECT and How Does Learning Happen accurately + two (2) other sources that are peer reviewed
Less than 4 resources are used
ELECT is not referenced
How Does Learning Happen is not referenced
Other resources if used are not peer reviewed
4 resources are used
Either ELECT or How Does Learning Happen is not referenced
Resources used are not peer reviewed 4 resources are used
Both ELECT and How Does Learning Happen are referenced
Two other resources are peer reviewed
More than 4 resources are used
Both ELECT and How Does Learning Happen are referenced
All other resources are peer reviewed
Describes the function of a play-based approach to promote child development
Does not describe the function of a play-based approach to promote child development
Describes the function of a play-based approach to promote child development – minimally or in a way that is difficult to understand
Describes the function of a play based approach to promote child development
Understandable to families
Describes the function of a play-based approach to promote child development and uses examples to clarify points for families
Demonstrates the value of play
Does not demonstrate the value of play
Demonstrates the value of play minimally with only 1 or 2 examples
Uses 3-4 similar examples to demonstrate the value of play
Uses a variety of examples to demonstrate the value of play. 5 or more examples.
Area to be considered
Below expectations (1)
Satisfies expectations
Exceeds expectations
Creativity engaging to viewer
Presentation is not engaging – ie. Just talking or too many words on a power point
Presentation is somewhat engaging with 1 or 2 examples of play but mostly words or talking
Presentation is engaging with colour – ideas – examples, thought provoking questions,
Good visuals that