1. Module Two: Text Questions
3. Review Questions
5. 1. In what areas do children and adolescents define their self-esteem?
7. In social, academic, and physical factors.
9. 2. What can a parent do, in the first two years of their child’s life, to help the child develop good self-esteem?
11. A parent should form a strong bond with their child so that the child can know that he/she depend on their parent.
13. 3. What are some things that have a negative effect on a child’s self-esteem? How are children affected by these factors?
15. Having a disability, body image, or even having trouble at home. This affects them by making them think they’re not good enough.
18. Critical Thinking Questions
20. 1. Why is it difficult to define self-esteem?
22. Because many people have different ideas on what the definition of self-esteem is and they all lead up to the same thing.
24. 2. What are some ways that parents can help their children develop good social self-esteem?
26. By having good communication skills.
28. 3. What are some ways that parents can help their children develop good academic self-esteem?
30. Checking on the child’s grades and making sure they are doing good.
32. 4. How does positive self-esteem affect children as they develop through their teen years? What are characteristics of people with high self-esteem? Low self-esteem?
34. They no longer worry about trying to fit in or
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attendance is very important. Students are expected to come to class prepared and ready to discuss the readings. Attendance will be recorded and participation noted for each class. REQUIREMENTS: Students are expected to complete all the reading assignments by the beginning of the class for which they are assigned and to participate in discussions and class activities. TEXTBOOK: Most of the readings are chapters of the textbook: Gaston Alonso, Noel Anderson, Kenneth Gould, Corey Robin, Roberta…