You are coming to the end of your internship with the Sports Academy. Your final article they would like you to produce is on the long term effects of exercise. The students within the academy have been training for 8 weeks on a variety of fitness programmes (both strength and aerobic), you need to outline the adaptations that occur to the body systems.
1. Produce a written article that describes and explains the long term effects of exercise on the cardiovascular, respiratory, neuromuscular, energy and skeletal systems (P6, P7 and M4)
You must make references to all of the following points:
Long-term exercise: eg four 30-minute jogging sessions per week for eight weeks, a six-week resistance training programme
Cardiovascular adaptations: cardiac hypertrophy; increase in stroke volume; increase in cardiac output; decrease in resting heart rate; blood volume; capillarisation
Respiratory adaptations: increase in minute ventilation; efficiency of respiratory muscles; increase in resting lung volumes; increase in oxygen diffusion rate
Neuromuscular adaptations: hypertrophy; increase in tendon strength; increased myoglobin stores; increased numbers of mitochondria; increased storage of glycogen and triglycerides; neural pathways
Energy system adaptations: increased anaerobic and aerobic enzymes; increased use of fats as an energy source; higher tolerance to lactic acid
Skeletal adaptations: increased calcium stores; increased tendon strength; increased stretch of ligaments 2. Analyse the long term effects of these 5 systems (D3)
Assessment evidence for this task will come in the form of:
A written article
Date Set:
1st Submission Due Date:
Resubmission Due Date:
A bibliography with a minimum of 3 resources must be included.
Work should be layout in an appropriate format and proof read before submission.
1st submission text should be in black, and changes to the resubmission should be in red.
If you fail to meet the 1st submission deadline, or the work is incomplete you will only get 1 final submission
Miller run
Sit and reach
Vertical jump
Standing jump
Shoulder flexibility
1 minute sit up
1 minute press up
Illinois agility test
35m sprint test
Grip test
The effect of long term exercise
Long term exercise can be considered when an individual works for around 2 hours a week for a minimum of 8 weeks.
The results from long term exercise are that it helps the individual able to exercise harder, longer or both.
Your body adapts to long term exercise due to different factors:
Energy system
Cardiovascular Adaptations
The adaptation to the cardiovascular system is the increasing the supply of oxygen to the muscles. The cardiac muscle increases in size, with the thickness of the cardiac walls increasing this is called cardiac hypotrophy.
This also increases the size