Cardiff Metropolitan University
Cardiff School of Management
Introduction to Marketing
Assessment 1
Submission: Thursday 20th November 2014 iZone Assessment in: Thursday 20th November to the iZone
Feedback: in the seminars W/C 15/12/2014
Group presentation: 100 marks (20% of module marks, a detailed breakdown of marks will be given in the seminar)
You are required to work IN GROUPS of 3-4* to carry out secondary research of a market of your choice (agreed by your seminar tutor) to prepare a 15-20 minute presentation which covers the following elements:
Overall market size and its main product segments, including trends/projections (value/volume)
25 marks
Identify the main competitors in the market, including their market share and market focus
15 marks
Identify the markets consumer segments
10 marks
Identify the Macro and Global environmental influences on the market, including positive and negative influences
20 marks
Conclusion/Overview of market and identification of possible market opportunities
10 marks
Individual contribution to research, slides and presentation, this is peer assessed (Please see individual assessment sheet appendix B)
10 marks
Structure and quality of slides/material/presentation
10 marks
Groups will be formed in consultation with your seminar tutor (see Group Record Form – Appendix a).
*A maximum of 4 students per group
ALL GROUP MEMBERS MUST PARTICIPATE IN THE PRESENTATION. If you are aware of problems in doing so or are unable to attend on the day, contact your seminar tutor immediately. Failure to participate will result in the loss of individual(s) marks
A minimum of FOUR different information and/or academic sources should be given (e.g. different Business Monitor, Mintel or other market or trade body reports, press etc and textbooks, but not lecture presentation material or general websites).
All material, including charts, diagrams and statistics should be referenced using the Harvard system.
Deliverables and submission:
You should submit to Registry by the due date ONE SET of material comprising:
One joint copy of your presentation (print as a hand-out 4/6 to view); note that you CANNOT change the presentation after submission
INDIVIDUAL Group Coursework Self Assessments for each group member (Appendix b);
One MARKING & FEEDBACK SHEET (Appendix c) bearing all of the group’s names/numbers.
Learning outcomes:
This assignment assesses the following module learning outcomes:
Utilise a range of tools and techniques to analyse and evaluate markets, market opportunities and market segments
Understand the influence of the organisation’s aims, strategy, culture and resources and the broader business environments.
Key skills:
This assignment contributes evidence towards attainment of the following key skills:
Information and communication technology
Working with numbers
Working with others
Assessment criteria: note that re-sits may be capped at 40%
The coursework will be marked and graded in accordance with the mark allocations shown above. Marks for each assessment criterion will be awarded with reference to the standard Cardiff Metropolitan University marking criteria at levels A to F.
All marks are subject to agreement at the Examination Board
As a group, you must
ONE joint copy of your presentation (print as a hand-out 4/6 to view); note that you CANNOT change the presentation after submission
INDIVIDUAL Group Coursework Self Assessments for each group member
One MARKING & FEEDBACK SHEET (App c) bearing all of the group’s names/numbers.
NB: Please also bring a copy of the slideshow (as a hand-out as above) to the presentation and give it to your seminar tutor.
An electronic version of this sheet is available on Blackboard
We confirm that as an assignment group we have read and understand the requirements of