aslope in Essay

Submitted By Peta Gaye-Cole
Words: 400
Pages: 2

Peta Gaye Cole
Reflective assignment
Brookline College

What I’ve learned this week that I did not know before is comparing the rational numbers in aromatic. The ratio of two polynomials, i.e. if f is a rational expression then f can be written in the form p/q, where p and q are polynomials. Like polynomials or any other type of expression, the basic arithmetic operations, namely addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, can be performed on rational expressions. A nice property of rational expressions is that when any of these operations are performed on two rational expressions, the result is always another rational expression. Contrary to polynomials, it is generally easy to multiply or divide but difficult to add or subtract two rational expressions.

And basically learning what slope is because I’ve never heard of it before in math in my understanding in real life, we see slope in any direction. However, in math, slope is defined from left to right.

I repeat we always measure slope going from left to right. This is very important!

There are three types of slope you can encounter. A slope can be positive, negative, or equal to zero. When the slope is equal to zero, we say that there is no slope

The concept or theory I’ve learned this week is Adding and subtracting rational expressions can be tricky because it is necessary to first factor the denominator of each rational expression completely. One then proceeds in much the same way as one adds or