Essay on Asdfghjkl: Encyclopedia Britannica Online .
Submitted By George-Stacey
Words: 1479
Pages: 6
Agustin Fuentes
Block 8 World Studies
Frederick the Great, Enlightenment
The English Civil war was rooted in fear, fear that Catholicism would be reintroduced into many English lives. When fear is at the root of the problem it will never end well. I predict the ending result to ultimately hurt the long lasting english government and possibly change it forever. I believe a strict, heavy handed government can lead to rebellions and immigration from that kingdom. On the other hand, giving too many freedoms can lead to a foundationless kingdom and, without a strong foundation, anything will crumble.
Additionally, I predict the Glorious Revolution will result with a gloriously balanced government, one ruled with many freedoms; it can lead to a government like mine. The best way to run a government is with multiple men working together to solve a problem while still staying as efficient as possible. I predict that the glorious revolution will create a balance of power between the government and the monarch. Ideally, the king will rely on the government to help him make difficult decisions while supporting the government and taking their advice.
I believe myself to be a good ruler and I found my greatest success when I followed the ideals of Plato, we both believed that a philosopher king is an ideal ruler. (
"Plato's Argument for Rule by Philosopher Kings." EInternational Relations.)
This concept of a philosopher king is quite simple, one must have the mentality of a king while genuinely philosophizing .
Philosophers posses a special level of knowledge that will keep them from becoming too proud. This is important because if thoughts of corruption start to cloud a kings mind, they will over look the lives of people under them. Yet, a philosopher must have the mentality of a king because the pride that a king posses it often crucial to a successful rule. A philosopher will contemplate every possibility and how the outcome will affect everyone, that also can be detrimental to a king. If a king is too compassionate he will put too much thought into the feelings of others and ultimately not be able to make the correct decision and do what is best for the kingdom. Ideally, a philosopher king will have a balanced amount of compassion and pride to keep their kingdom in mind, while possessing great knowledge and a sense of reality to always make the correct decision. A successful king must also have a good government. I believe that entails having multiple heads working together, while still working efficiently. To accomplish this one must divide one’s government into ministries. At the head of each ministry will be a trusted czar and the czar reports directly to the king. The only flaw in this tactic is the immense power granted to the czars. By appointing someone “czar” one is trusting them to know right from wrong and know how to handle issues that arise in their ministry before coming to the king.
whole kingdom has been raised on Protestant ideals and if I appoint a Catholic head czar, they can greatly affect the future of my government.(
"Frederick I of Brandenburg".
Religion is a big part of everyday life, I believe that Protestantism is the correct life style, but every religion is tolerated in my kingdom. Every religion has their own set of morals that, in combination with my laws, can be a recipe to a successful society. I must admit that the absence of Catholics in higher state positions (in my kingdom) is no coincidence. I have a bit of a biased
towards Protestants when it comes to government because I am a bit afraid to give Catholics too much power.(
Keithly, David M. "Frederick II, the Great." Enlightenment Revolution.) Many people are immigrating from Bohemia to escape the devoutly Catholic rule of Maria Theresa and
I do not want to scare them off by showing signs of a Catholic society