fjfjfjfjjgjgffghghfh h h h gfhgjfgh fjg hh gfg jhfjf ghjf gg hgh g hf fgjhfghj fghjfgjhfgfj h h h h h h hh h jh jfghjfgfhghfhgffgfhgffg f g f g fg hfgfgfgfgfgh f gf gi r ghie irhg ier er ueu r p p ap fapdspfdgdf fg dfsg gfg gfg gdsd asd asda sd sdasdasda asdasd asdasdasd asdfgf grgew qwe htyhb wqe yth wer hrw htw ad grtersef Mitt Romney (born 1947) is an American businessman who was Governor of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007 and the Republican nominee for President of the United States in the 2012…
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