Article Summary Essay

Submitted By Mmadison0505
Words: 988
Pages: 4

Article Summary The P90X system has become a popular workout to test your physical and mental stamina. This program has received great praise and criticism from the health community. WebMD contributor Dr. Michael Esco reviews the P90X program by outlining what it is, how it works, the pro, the cons, and the(50) bottom line. The article begins with an explanation of what the P90X system is. The system is described as an intense home DVD exercise program that boasts complete physical transformation of your body in 90 days. Beach Body sells the program online and through TV infomercials for $119.85 broken up(100) in three payments of $39.95. The set includes 12 workout DVDs, a 100-page fitness guide, a 113-page nutrition plan, and a 90 day calendar. The system requires added equipment such as dumbbells, a pull-up bar, resistance bands, and an exercise mat for a complete program. There is 90-day money back(150) guarantee. Dr. Esco then goes in to the details of how the program actually works. Circuit training is the key of the P90x system because it keeps your heart rate up as you move from activity to activity with small rest in between. The DVDs also focus on a different(200) part of the body each workout and adjust the workout schedules every few weeks to maximize muscle confusion. This way muscle memory does not set in and the body receives greater results. Since the workout is intense Beach Body recommends potential customers attempt the fitness exam on their website before(250) purchasing the product. The nutrition plan is has three options based on your current fitness and nutrition levels. Several pros of the program are outlined by Dr. Esco. He believes the system is excellent in increasing muscle tone and reducing body fat. He praised Instructor Tony Horton because of his(300) clear explanation of each exercise. Another pro is the program can be done in the privacy of your home and does not require a lot of equipment. Your workout changes frequently so you will not get bored easily and the regimens are easy to follow. He emphasizes you will get(350) a great workout if you are able to maintain the programs intensity for 90 days. The article also highlights several cons with the program. Since the program is high-intensity many people are unable to follow the workout such as the obese, those with chronic disease, or physical limitations. It also(400) states the price and the cost of additional equipment as a boundary. Those trying to gain muscle size or strength will not benefit from this program. The meal plan is not recommended for long term sustainability because of the low carb elements. Dr. Esco’s bottom line is the workout is(450) not as simple as it appears to be. He encourages beginners to start with a simpler program because of the intensity of the workouts. Fairly fit people who are dedicated to the program will see results as long as they remain committed and give a quality effort to the program(500).
Personal Reflection I am completely new to the workout world. I have never been the most physically fit person and I get bored easily with traditional workouts. Ad on the fact that I have had two children in three years and you see I could really stand to find a good workout(50) program. P90X appealed to me because it is an exciting, explosive program that will challenge my physical and mental limits. I was eager to read the WebMD article so I could understand if the program would be a good fit for my lifestyle. I have already purchased and begun