ART 258 FINAL Essay examples

Submitted By Van417
Words: 8106
Pages: 33

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!! Happy Holidays not trying to be a downer but I feel some of this is useless info: eg: latin roots? really? some of it probably is, feel free to highlight what you feel is irrelevant
Shouldn’t this be a study guide and not notes? Condense
I think everyone should be able to edit it now. Please contribute if you can!

Early Byzantine Art: contemporary decoration influenced by interaction between christianity and asian/ middle east
Historians refer to that Eastern Christian Roman Empire as Byzantium (employing Constantinople’s original name) and use the term Byzantine to identify whatever pertains to Byzantium—its territory, its history, and its culture. The Byzantine emperors, however, did not use these terms to define themselves:they called their empire Rome and themselves Romans.
r ecogni zed y that time it was not simply the Christian religion but the Orthodox Christian doctrine that the Byzantine emperor asserted as the only permissible creed for his subjects.
t hodox Chr i st i ani t y, t he cent r al ar t i cl e of f ai t h i s t he equal i t y of t he t hr ee aspect s of t he Tr i ni t y of Fat her , Son, and
r i t Al l ot her ver si ons of Chr i st i ani t y wer e her esi es. Justinian considered it his first duty not only to stamp out the few surviving pagan cults but also to crush all those who professed any Christian doctrine other than the Orthodox. Ar t hi st or i ans di vi de t he hi st or y of Byzant i ne ar t i nt o t he t hr ee per i ods of i t s gr eat est gl or y, somet i mes r ef er r ed t o as “ gol den ages. ” 1. Early Byzantine, ext ends f r om t he accessi on of Just i ni an i n 527 t o t he onset of i conocl asm
t he dest r uct i on of i mages used i n r el i gi ous wor shi p) under Leo

i n 726. 2.

The Middle Byzantine per i od begi ns wi t h t he r enunci at i on of i conocl asm i n
and ends wi t h t he west er n Cr usader s’ occupat i on of Const ant i nopl e i n


Late Byzantine cor r esponds t o t he t wo cent ur i es af t er t he Byzant i nes r ecapt ur ed
ant i nopl e i n 1261 unt i l i t s f i nal l oss i n 1453 t o t he
t oman Tur ks and t he conver si on of many chur ches t o mosques 1. Hagia Sophia by Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus, 532­537 I

“ chur ch of Hol y wi sdom” bui l t by
ant i ne: or i gi nal Basi l i ca st yl e chur ch ­
moves out war ds f r om dome, c ompl ex ser i es of open spaces ­
chur ch bui l di ng was t hen t he ear t hl y i mage of t he cour t of Heaven, i t s l i ght t he i mage of God and God’ s hol y wi sdom. ­ summat i on of ant i qui t y and a posi t i ve asser t i on of t he t r i umph of Chr i st i an f ai t h.

cur ve of dome r edi st r i but es wei ght 2. San Vitale, Ravenna, 526­547 ­
n honor of l ocal mar t yr k i l l ed f or Chr i st i an bel i ef s: hol i ness, connect i on t o mar t yr s

I t i s cent r al l y pl anned, l i ke
i ni an’ s chur ches i n Const ant i nopl e, ­ seems t o have been l oosel y model ed on Chur ch of Sai nt s
gi us and
t her e. ­
desi gn f eat ur es t wo concent r i c oct agons. The dome­ cover ed i nner oct agon r i ses above t he sur r oundi ng oct agon t o pr ovi de t he i nt er i or wi t h cl er est or y l i ght i ng. (
at r i um, whi ch no l onger exi s t s, may have par al l el ed a st r eet

3. Apse mosaics: Christ between two Angels, St. Vitalis and Bishop Ecclesius:
Chr i st r et ur