Student Writing Intensive C Week 30
Rename this file: YourFullName_C30 Assignment.doc.
Day 1 Chanticleer 30.1 Note that we will not finish the story: there are 3 weeks left, which you can do with a parent at home.
Go over my comments on your last assignment with a parent.
If you have not yet passed the test, please study for it and take it this week, especially important if you plan to take SICC next year. Send it to my email before next class.
Next week in class you will have a chance to show me how much you have learned this year. To prepare for this, your assignment this week is to review the test(s) you took and to revise a poorly written paragraph (on page after checklist).
Today, resurrect all your old tests and review the material on them.
Day 2 Chanticleer 30.2
Rest of this week: Continue reviewing concepts learned this year from your notes and tests.
Start revising the paragraph at the end of this document. It has embedded errors, banned words, no true topic/clincher or bolding, and little style. Begin by adding your name and date where indicated.
Ask yourself: What is the paragraph mainly about? Revise so that the paragraph begins and ends with a true topic and clincher that fit the T/C rule. Hint: revision can include cutting an unneeded sentence. Bold the 2 to 4 words in these two sentences that express the main idea and repeat/reflect each other.
Take the 2-3 most dramatic words from your final clincher and form a new title from them. If you do not have any dramatic words, revise your clincher.
Day 3 Chanticleer 30.3
Add style and mark it correctly (requirements on checklist). Do not count any of the vocabulary already in the paragraph as your own dress-ups. For vocabulary, DO use your thesaurus and word lists.
Day 4 Chanticleer 30.4
Finish style and polish your paragraph. Do all your style tools sound natural and enhance the paragraph? If not, revise! Impress me by using all the style tools effectively!
Day 5
Check: Parent signature? All things on checklist complete? Have you turned in your final test retake, if applicable?
You can pick up your semester average on Engrade after I record this week’s grade.
Week 30 Name __Arianna Stroman_________ Grade: /100
Chanticleer, name above checklist, file renamed Parent check: AS
Read comments from your last assignment & watch DVD Parent check: AS
Study old tests to make sure concepts are mastered Parent check: AS
Topic & clincher revised with bolded words expressing full main idea of paragraph
Attention-grabbing title formed FROM 2-3 dramatic words in final clincher
Grammar, punctuation, spelling. Proper format. No contractions, 1st/2nd person pronouns, or banned words: good; bad; big; little; nice; pretty; happy; sad; really; very; fun; a lot; say/said; go/went; see/saw; eat/ate
Dress-ups properly marked and used effectively
who/which Use commas when nonessential
-ly adverb from a list (strong!) Not 1st word in sentence
quality adjective or dual adjectives (use thesaurus)
strong verb or dual verbs (use thesaurus)
adverb clause ( has subject & verb in the clause; no comma (MC AC)
Sentence Openers
[1] subject opener
[2] prepositional phrase: preposition + noun (no verb); comma if 5+ words
[3] -ly adverb opener: strong vocabulary!
[4] -ing opener: -ing word/phrase + comma + subject (is it also the “inger”?) + verb