You state that ‘’ people carry knives to get their reputation up’ ’or ‘to win respect’’ I force fully disagree with this because carrying a knife is not the only way to increase your reputation or to look cool carrying a knife is a ridiculous way to look cool or to fit in. Also there are other ways to increase to increase your reputation simply by wearing expensive clothing and by having popular new gadgets which also portrays them as cool. If teenagers start to carry knives they would find it okay and normal now teen agers are carrying knives who know later on they may start to carry a gun which leads them on the road of crime. Is this what they want for their future?
In your article you stated that knives and all weapons can all maim and ruin human lives. This is true and I strongly agree with this because carrying a knife causes a high probability physical and mental damage. Someone who is barbarously stabbed can have a permanent scar, which will take them back to the past and previous event. This will cause a great distress and mental pain that will always be nagging and hovering at the back of their heads you tell me who wants to live an grievous and torturous life?
You also stated that people carry knives ‘’just for protection’’. I forcefully disagree with this because you are doing the complete opposite by carrying a keen edged precious knife which causes a disastrous situation to develop. This is stupid and ridiculous as they are not only putting their lives in danger but they are also putting other valuable lives in danger as well. Dangers, danger that can murder people, ruin and incapacitate several lives. It may not be their intention alas incident’s happen for example they can be taken place within streets, shops. Someone can be a victim of remorseless bullying while being under vicious attacks one after one. You may be carrying a knife in your pocket in a crowded train station and something can push it in your body.
‘’They may want to show off ‘this is quote mentioned in your article by you. Which I forcefully with because by showing off it simply means looking cool in my opinion people carrying knives look stupid and childish do they not know that this is dangerous and could result in killing them. As they are so much other ways to look cool by taking part in events that teenagers are usually interested in like sports, online gaming, music, acting as most teen agers will find you interesting and they would want to be your friends.
I presume that in your point of view people especially teenagers carry knives because ‘’ big kids try and roll them