1. The precepts of the IBM training program are consistent with the concepts in this chapter because there are a lot of consensuses. There are for example power, which is according to Robbins and Judge, “a capacity that A has to influence the behavior of B so that B acts in accordance with A’s wishes” (p.420) and the power tactics, which are, according to Robbins and Judge, “ways in which individuals translate power bases into specific actions” (p.425). There are different power tactics an individual can use by moving people into specific actions. A research has defined nine distinct influence tactics. The most effective ones are rational persuasion, inspirational appeals and consultation. The least effective one is pressure. Furthermore,…show more content… So if my manager is doing a good job with negotiating me, he could probably get me to do the asked task.
4. Drawing from Chapter 5: Personality and Values, I think that generational values explain the changing nature of the employer-employee relationship because the dominant work values changed with the time. If you take for example the boomers, who entered the workforce between 1965 and 1985 and had an approximate current age of mid-40s to mid-60s, their work values were focused on success, achievement, ambition, dislike of authority, and loyalty to career. Furthermore, their terminal values, which are according to Robbins and Judge, “desirable end-states of existence, the goals a person would like to achieve during his or her lifetime” (p. 147) are ranked high for them. If you compare the boomers now to the nexters you can see that there are differences in the work values which explain the changing nature of the employer-employee relationship. The nexter entered the workforce at 2000 to present and have an approximate current age of under 30. Their dominant values lay, compared to the boomers, more on financial success, they are more confident and self-reliant but team-orientated, and they have loyalty to both self and relationship as it is shown in Exhibit 5-5 on page 148. Additionally, “an Ernst & Young survey found that 85 percent of