ARH 205 • Introduction to Architecture: The Evolution of Western Architecture • Stony Brook University • Spring 2013
Monday / Wednesday / 11:00 – 12:20 • Sustainability Studies Studio 370 (10 degrees beyond) / Chemistry Building / 3rd Floor Marc Fasanella, PhD Art / Environmental Design •
Visiting Professor of Environmental Art, Architecture & Design Sustainability Studies Program / Stony Brook University Office Hours: Monday / Wednesday 12:30-1:00 & by appointment Melville Library / Lower Level / West Entrance / Room W0513
Course Description: This course introduces the student to the history, design, language and evolution of western architecture from ancient civilization to the present. The relationship of architecture to social structure is emphasized. Respective examples of Pre-Historic, Egyptian, Greco-Roman, Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Victorian, Arts & Crafts, Art Nouveau, Bauhaus, Constructivist, Futurist, Modernist, contemporary and sustainable architecture are highlighted throughout the course. There are no prerequisites to this course. Evaluation: Student understanding of the course content will be evaluated through the evaluation of the following: • “Home” Floor plan & essay • Mid-Term Exam • Self-Build Relocation Housing: design & technical essay • Final exam The assignments and the exams are weighted equally in the determination of the final grade. Works submitted after the due date are reduced one half grade for each class meeting until they are turned in. Students are expected to attend all class meetings. Grades are affected by attendance as follows: 0 absences = + 3 points on the final average, 4+ absences: -1 point off the final average for each class missed. Arriving 10 minutes or more late to class three times constitutes one absence. Leaving a class early by 30 minutes or more twice is equivalent to one absence. Attendance on one field trip is mandatory. The student is responsible for obtaining all material covered during missed sessions. Course Objectives: • Identify and describe periods in the history of Western architecture • Explain the role that societal forces play in the shaping of architectural design • Cite and discuss several important figures in the world of architecture • Compose a critical appraisal of an architectural work • Develop a measurable level of skill in creating 1/4” scale floor plans • Utilize a research process for the investigation of a contemporary architectural practice Academic Integrity Statement Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Any suspected instance of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Academic Judiciary. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please refer to the academic judiciary website at Disability Support Services Statement If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact Disability Support Services, located in the ECC Building, (631) 632-6748. They will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential. Text: The Story of Architecture by Jonathan Glancey. Recommended Texts: Residential Interior Design: Guide to Planning Spaces, 2nd Edition by Maureen Milton Architectural