Boy Wonder Tiny Voice Asked Is He The One?

Submitted By berto134
Words: 2914
Pages: 12

Archie Smith,
Boy wonder tiny voice asked “is he the one?”
In the past 1900 centuries there have been signs of UFO’s in the United States and some have crash and then disappeared. People always wonder that Area 51 has been taken them since 1950’s and experiment the ships and the aliens. Humans just don’t have enough proof that they have been taken them and people say that humans have been abducted. There is one boy named Max he’s 15 years old the year is 2014. He’s an ordinary kid that goes to a school and has a mother and they live in Los Angles. His father past away in the war in Iraq, losing his father was the most disappointing moment in his life. When he’s older he wants to go to the military and fight for his father. Max’s was watching the news they have found a crash site In, Roswell, New Mexico an alien space ship has crashed. He wonders that Area 51 have token it. When they found the crash site it disappeared to Area 51. People in Max’s neighborhood are scared if there will ever be an alien invasion in the future because of the unusual crash landing, and if this is going to be the year that the world will finally end. Max isn’t scared of it. Every night max will have a dream about his family being taken by aliens, and that he has to save them, but he fails to do it. When Area 51 was looking at the space ship they found two passengers seats and that they weren’t not there. They have thought that they have escaped. This One night will change Max life, there were two lights flowing in the air and went to Max’s house and went to his room. They were discussing that is he the one to the save humanity. When Max’s woke up he was very confused where he was where he was. He was in a white room on a bed. He knew that he was not home at all. When the two lights came to him they turned into reptilians. Max’s asked “Who are you? Are you going to kill me?” they said no answer. Max’s was much freighted. They reptilians said “are you Max’s?” Max’s replays “yes?” the reptilians said “we have abducted your from your house, for something that you have to do.” Max replays “what is it?” reptilians said “to save your earth.” Max was very surprised. The reptilians said “you are going to get you powers that will help you and your going to do training for two months” Max replays “why two months and who is going to destroy are earth?” reptilians says “the reptilian elite they are very powerful but you are going to have the power to destroy them and they are coming to earth in two months.” Max says “why did you choose me?” Reptilians say “because your father joined are teams to save are planet and he sacrificed himself by sating in the planet, but he didn’t succeed.” Max was astonished that his father joins them and sacrificed himself. Today was the day for Max training, it was very difficult for him in the past few weeks, but in the end he was incredible he knew every move. It’s was just two weeks before that the reptilian elite were coming; they asked him that “your father must be so proud of you and your mother as well.” Max feels thankful, and brave. Now, he came back home from the spaceship when his mother saw him she was happy and crying because they thought he was died or kidnaped by aliens. When he told her mom about his journey here mom was amazed. Area 51 secret service came to Max’s house and were looking all of his belongings, because they knew that he was abducted by aliens and they thought he wasn’t a human anymore, when Max came home from school he was kidnapped by secret service. When they arrived in Area 51 they told him many questions about what were he doing in the spaceship. He didn’t tell them anything, only about the invasion. They have locked him in a room and he was certainly angry. He thought to use his powers, indeed he did he open a hole on the celling to fly home. They sounded the alarm, they send air force to capture him, but he didn’t want to kill them so he turned off the engine. When he arrived