In Peru, the Incas created the largest Empire in the Americas. It sustained through innovative administration system as well as the creation of networks of paved roads. The Olmecs and Mayans emerged in Meso America. The Mayans developed written language and a numerical system as well as an accurate calender and an agricultural system.
They lived in the eastern part of the continent. Most tribes took up farming, hunting, gathering, and fishing.There were a few permanent settlements based on corn and other grains in the south.
Because the different tribes did not view themselves as members of one civilization, they alliances they had among each other were fragile. Each tribe had their own economic, social and political structures but they all had on thing in common, they were going through an agricultural revolution.
Because by comparing the estimated pre-Columbus population to the one after European settlers, we question whether or not European achievements balanced with the damage they caused.
The significant population change which led to rise of commerce and the rise of new and more united governments
Columbus was trying to reach Asia by going west instead of east. He did not reach Asia but he reached North America and led the way for other explorers such as Vespucci
They wanted to enslave the them and exploit the land as much as the could. They achieved it through brutal military expeditions.
After Onate's removal as governor, it improved. Many of them converted to Christianity and entered into trading relationships.This helped the colony in New Mexico grow with about 2000 colonists among 30000 Pueblos.
Within fifty years of their contact with whites, native groups in the Spanish Empire were virtually extinct while some tribes north of mexico were spared of the worst epidemics. Diseases made it harder for natives to revolt and fight against colonization
New crops, domestic livestock and agricultural techniques
It was centered around wealth. Initially the Spanish were at the top, the natives at the bottom and the mixed people in between. Eventually, wealth and family influence defined