Appreciating The Limits Of 1984

Submitted By ghazaale
Words: 1141
Pages: 5

Appreciating the Limits
In the society of Oceania, citizens are not allowed to even think about being against government’s values. The thought police can detect their inner most thoughts, their own children are spying them, and telescreens are constantly watching them if they’re considered a threat. (Hook)George Orwell in the novel 1984 pictures the life of Winston Smith, a citizen of the dystopia of Oceania who feels isolated and has doubted his sanity. (Author + Title) His thoughts and values are different with almost the rest of the society and are in the direct contrary with party’s values. Oceania is a society which deprives its citizens of their rights and freedoms while encouraging its people to value their slavery.(Thesis)In Oceania, people are forced to practice the newspeak and doublethink and their minds are manipulated by the government.(3 major claims) Even though the primary rights and freedoms of Oceania’s citizen are taken away from them, they enjoy and value this slavery.(Restatement of thesis)
When people have limited words in their language, limited thoughts, poor communication and lack of intelligence will follow. (Topic Sentence) The shortage of vocabulary helps the government to have more control on people’s thoughts and eventually actions. (Point A)”Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?”(Orwell,55). Says Syme to Winston (Proof A) By forcing people to use the Newspeak, which is the new language of Oceania, the government is having more control on people’s thoughts, values and ideas; since in every edition, THEY choose what words should be removed and which ones should be kept. “In the end we shall make thought crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it “(55). As Syme explains the purpose of Newspeak to Winston it gets clearer that manipulating the society’s current language results in manipulation of their thoughts and actions and they eventually turn into a society that cannot even think about a change. Because of this, the idea of having a better life and betraying the party cannot exist; if there are no words to express it in individual’s minds. People will accept whatever they are told from the government without questioning and are only able to talk about topics that government has indirectly allowed them to speak about. Overall, they take away the freedom of speech and thought from people in order to stop thought crime and a probable rebellion. (Explanation A) Narrowing the range of vocabulary, would also result in poor communications between people. (Point B) “ Has it ever occurred to you, Winston, that by the year 2050,at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?(55).”(Proof B)Language is the tool for communication and if it does not contain certain words, individuals will not be able to exchange ideas and inform each other about current situations. In order for a rebellion to form, the vast majority of people should cooperate, get connected and have the same ideologies. However, if their language prevents them from exchanging ideas and communicating within themselves, no rebellion will ever happen. This is exactly a condition that a dictator seeks. Therefore the party gradually takes away their freedom of thought and speech by limiting their language and conversations. (Explanation B) Lack of intelligence is another factor that is caused by a limited language.(point C) When no one except Winston understands that the increase in chocolate rations to twenty grams is actually a reduction from the day before, but those around him seem to accept the announcement joyfully (42).(proof C) When people do not have adequate words to teach and learn they cannot pass on information and might lose their intelligence. This is while those in power have access to a complete language, books, and all sources of information to stay sharp and smart. When a