Please complete in black pen.
If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us. The address and telephone number are as follows:
Dates to and from. Employer’s name
& address.
Job description and duties.
per hr/week
Reason for leaving.
PART 5: Health and Medical History
We are a caring employer. We have concern for your health and welfare. How many days sick have you had in the last year? _____ days/weeks. Have you any health issues you would like us to be aware of?
Tender-Care Services Limited will treat all information it received regarding clients, customers and personnel with total confidentiality and to keep all records secure. The agency will never breach these rules of confidentiality. It is of the utmost importance that information received by this agency is not passed to outside sources.
You should be aware that any information disclosed, whilst in the employ of Tender-Care Services Limited