Essay about Ap2 Urinary Labpaq 18 Answers

Words: 1082
Pages: 5

How is the tissue of the kidneys structurally modified to aid in filtration?

It has tubules and is porous

B. What is important functionally about transitional epithelium?

It allows for stretching. Transitional epithelium contains cells that are flattened and cells that are cuboidal; hence the name "transitional". You can find transitional epithelium in the bladder and in the first expansion of the ureters as they leave the kidneys (called a calyx).

C. What is the function of the ureter? How does its structure support this function?

Covey urine from kidneys to bladder Enter base of bladder through posterior wall Strength and frequency of muscle contractions change with amount of urine present

The renal corpuscle and the renal tubule. Fluid is filtered out of the blood in the renal corpuscle, and then the filtrate flows through the renal tubule and collecting duct where much of the filtrate is returned to the blood. The remaining filtrate leaves the collecting duct as urine.

E. How do the sheep and pig kidneys compare? What are the similarities and differences you observed?
Both the Sheep and pigs kidneys are simular in - bean shaped, has a renal crest and pelvis; smooth surface; no external lobation, however the pig kidney is smaller with less pyramids therefore less pig = Kidneys lie at same level; no external lobation but has internal evidence of lobation; has minor calyces that drain into major calyces that drain into a renal pelvis; kidneys are dorsally flattened and long

Exercise 3: Human Kidney Structures

A. How is the tissue in the renal pyramids modified to carry out its functions?
Renal pyramids make up much of the medullary tissue, papilla at the tip of each pyramid releases urine through multiple ducts. It has secreting and collecting ducts system.

B. How is the density of the tissue on the renal cortex related to its function? The renal cortex is very dense to support the high artery pressure. The blood is forced from the renal artery into the glomerulus under high pressure to be ultra-filtered.

C. How does the structure of the renal medulla aid in its function?