Question 1
BASIC CORE (competence)
0–7 Points
1. Has acceptable thesis.
The thesis must address a relationship between Chinese peasants and the Chinese
Communist Party using evidence from the documents.
• The thesis must be further qualified if it simply states a positive/negative or good/bad relationship. • The thesis must be explicitly stated in the introduction or the specified conclusion of the essay. • The thesis may appear as one sentence or multiple sentences.
• A thesis that merely restates the prompt is unacceptable.
• The thesis CANNOT count as meaning, evidence, or grouping.
Question 1 (continued)
5. Analyzes documents by grouping them in two or three ways, depending on the question. • Students must explicitly and correctly group the documents in two ways demonstrating a relationship between Chinese peasants and the Chinese Communist Party.
• An extended discussion of a minimum of two documents (used appropriately) constitutes a group or subgroup.
1 Points
6. Identifies and explains the need for one type of appropriate additional document or source.
• Students must identify an appropriate additional document, source, or voice and explain how or why the document or source will contribute to analysis of a relationship between
Chinese peasants and the Chinese Communist Party.
1 Point
7 Points
EXPANDED CORE (excellence)
00-2 Points
Expands beyond basic core of 1–7 points. The basic core score of 7 must be achieved before a student can earn expanded core points.
• Provides consistent discussion of a relationship between Chinese peasants and the
Chinese Communist Party throughout the essay.
• Has a clear, analytical, and comprehensive thesis. o Goes well beyond the minimally acceptable thesis.
• Shows careful and insightful analysis of the documents. o Recognizes the historical