Question 2—Continuity/Change over Time
BASIC CORE (competence)
Note: Points should normally be allotted in the order of these scoring guidelines.
No “double-dipping” should occur.
0–7 Points
1. Has acceptable thesis.
1 Point
• The thesis correctly specifies BOTH change and continuity in Indian Ocean commerce from 650 C.E. to 1750 C.E.
• The thesis must be explicitly stated in the introduction or the conclusion of the essay.
• The thesis may appear as one sentence or as multiple sentences.
• A thesis that is split among multiple paragraphs or merely restates the prompt is unacceptable. “There were many changes and continuities . . .” without specifics, is unacceptable. • The thesis CANNOT count for any other point.
2. Addresses all parts of the question, though not necessarily evenly or thoroughly. For 2 points:
• The essay addresses BOTH continuity and change in the period 650–1750 regarding commerce in the Indian Ocean region.
For 1 point:
• The essay addresses EITHER continuity or change in the period 650–1750 regarding commerce in the Indian Ocean region.
2 Points
3. Substantiates thesis with appropriate historical evidence.
2 Points
For 2 points:
• The essay provides five pieces of accurate evidence of change AND continuity. o At least one piece of evidence must be about change AND one about continuity. o Each piece of evidence must be a specific example of continuity or change in Indian Ocean commerce in the period 650–1750, for example: materials exchanged, participants involved, and/or new technologies.
For 1 point:
• The essay provides four pieces of accurate evidence of change AND/OR continuity. o Each piece of evidence must be a specific example of continuity or change in
Indian Ocean commerce in the period 650–1750, for example, materials exchanged, participants involved, and/or new technologies.
4. Uses relevant world historical context effectively to explain change over time and/or continuity.
1 Point
• The essay relates an extraregional or global process to explain a change OR continuity in Indian Ocean commerce in the period 650–1750. For example, “The desire for spices led Europeans to explore the Indian Ocean region and the New World.”
5. Analyzes the process of change over time and/or continuity.
• Accurately explains a reason for a change OR continuity in Indian Ocean commerce in the period 650–1750. For example, “This happened because . . .”
Question 2—Continuity/Change over Time (continued)
EXPANDED CORE (excellence)
0–2 Points
The basic core score of 7 must be achieved before a student can earn expanded core points.
• Has a clear, analytical, and comprehensive thesis.
• Analyzes multiple changes and continuities in Indian Ocean commerce in the period
• Provides ample, accurate evidence of change and continuity.
• Provides sophisticated analysis throughout the essay.