Although New England and the Chesapeake region were both settled largely by people of English origin, by 1700 the regions had evolved into two distinct societies. Why did this difference in development occur? there were social economic and political differences between the 2 regions social chesapeak: people came to this region for money. They set up plantations and made profit from cotton. individuals settled this area
New england: people came to this region in families. They (puritans) were not looking to gain money in the new world but were looking for a new place to live. (they were also escaping religious persecutions)
Therefore: Because people came in families to New England population there grew on itself whereas in the chesapeak region the crown was constantly sending people just to make colony alive. There were no women in chesapeak and that's why the population in Chesapeak was smaller than that of New england. In new england there were women and women=babies=bigger population
Both regions had troubles with the native americans. the pequot wars in the north and the bacon's rebellion in the south (it involved indians)
Chespaeak: This region had a single crop economy: cotton. It is bad to have a single crop economy because if something happens to that crop (when storms destroys it) then people lose money.
New England: this region had a multiple crop economy. Instead of planting cotton they planted more vegetables. You can say that because
Marisol Sanchez-Matias March 7, 2015 AP US History Reconstruction is referred to the period in the United States history immediately following the Civil War in which the federal government set the conditions that would allow the rebellious Southern States back into the Union. The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments were reconstructed Amendments to the United States Constitution. The Thirteenth Amendment is that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for…
Thomas Jefferson (April 13 [O.S. April 2] 1743 – July 4, 1826) was an American Founding Father, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776), and the third President of the United States (1801–1809). He was a spokesman for democracy, and embraced the principles of republicanism and the rights of the individual with worldwide influence. At the beginning of the American Revolution, he served in the Continental Congress, representing Virginia, and then served as a wartime Governor…
Renaissance and it had a ton to do to push forward with technology and modern day society. One celestial discovery prevailed that help us find where we are in the universe is Nicholas Copernicus findings in document one. In this document it states “those who keep the earth at the centre of the world are force to do” This quote is explaining gravity and what holds us in place in space. Also in this document it states “infinite multitude of spheres” in this quote it means that he is finding out about…
Serena Feliciano 1/17/15 Mr. Vogel A.P. U. S History Chapter 16 Vocaulary: Great American Desert: term used in the 19th century to describe the western part of the Great Plains east of the Rocky Mountains in North America. Chinese Exclusion Act: law signed by president Chester A. Arthur that was one of the most significant restrictions on free immigration in history, prohibiting all immigration of Chinese laborers. Cattle Drivers: this was an economic activity in the west, when 20…
AP U.S HISTORY SUMMER ASSIGNMENT 2014 Massachusetts a. Year settled: 1620 b. The original settlers were refuges from Europe searching for a place where they could practice whatever religion they wanted freely and without consequence2 c. The main religion was puritan2 d. They didn’t really tolerate other religions because they wanted everybody to worship the same god so that society would remain stable and without conflict.2 e. The settlers made money from trading/bartering or they could…
AP History Notes Culture – a way of living Ethnocentricity – when you think your culture is better than other Imperialism – imposing your will on weaker countries Military Economic Cultural Slaves The first Africans were indentured servants Bacons rebellion Bacon’s POV Bacon wanted more land Bacon went to war because he did not get what he wanted He slaughtered Indians for land Indentured servants They were not treated well Had to work for passage across the ocean…
Uplinga Review Articles of Confidn (aoc)- 1st attempt at unified nat gov Proposed-1777 Bridget Henry Lee-“ reserved to be right” colonies should write new constit (AoC)- committee (led by John Dickenson) Prevented from Ratifying (4 Years) land locked states did not have land to left gave states huge advantages (own view) smaller states (led by Maryland)- will not ratify unless get western territories Result: Maryland would vote to ratify it- western land claims given to cong simple…
Huguenots French Protestant dissenters. Were granted limited toleration under the Edict of Nantes. After King Louis XIV outlawed Protestantism in 1685, many Huguenots fled elsewhere, including British North America Edict of Nantes Decree issued by the French crown granting limited toleration to French Protestants. Ended religious wars n France and inaugurated a period of French preeminence in Europe and across Atlantic. Repealed by Louis XIV in 1685, prompting many to flee to North America.…
AP US HISTORY DBQ OUTLINE ACTIVITY 1. Read the directions carefully 2. Write out the question below. Put in italics or highlight any key word or phrases. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -Then answer the following questions: A. What dates or time…
Prompts: 1. Explain the ways the people of the New and Old Worlds affected each other when their societies came in contact in the late 15th century. (Page 18) When they first came in contact with the natives, the Europeans learned of the rich deposits of gold and silver. (Page 18) Diseases such as influenza, measles, chicken pox, mumps, typhus, and small pox were imported to the New World by the Europeans. The Europeans had already developed partial immunity to these diseases, but…