Kimberly Kölsch 1/15/15 Strategies, Purpose which is more persuasive
When it comes to visiting my family in New Jersey there is no greater joy than being surrounded by your loved ones. However their dog Coco does not think the same way. Coco, a 6 pound Shih Tzu is no match for a 20 pound Westie-poodle mix named Scooter. While coco is an over possessive ball of fluff with a tongue too large to fit in his mouth Scooter is a medium energy calm assertive dog.
Scooter believes in the motto “Caring is sharing.” He will pick up any toy that strikes his interest and will play with it on his own. Tossing a ball into the air then trotting after it. Coco on the other hand will become a fur ball of fury attacking at Scooter’s paws. Scooter confused will refuse to bite back unless Coco’s teeth sink too deep.
Coca-Cola is a bit like Coco (not only in spelling) but the over possessive company refuses to share a simple merchandising phrase “It’s the real thing.” What does Coca-Cola expect? Are companies not allowed to use the same alphabet as Coco-Cola? Did it patent the motto? I think not, and so does Grove Press.
“This book is like a weapon” to Coca-Cola’s profit, that is. Afraid of losing customers in the “confusion” of the slogan “It’s the real thing” Coca-Cola demanded Grove Press to discontinue the use of the slogan. Financially driven, the diction used is urgent and authoritative. Coca-Cola underestimates the intelligence of its customers for mistaking a book, Diary of a Harlem Schoolteacher, for a “six-pack of Coca-Cola.” Anxious that “prominent companies” like Grove Press will “dilute” the slogan’s influence and “diminish its effectiveness and value as advertising and merchandising tool.” Coca-Cola then goes on to create an authoritative position by droning about the company’s entire advertising history of “It’s the real thing.” Ending the letter with a pressing manner Coca-Cola states “We appreciate your cooperation and assurance that you will discontinue the use of “It’s the real thing.” Coca-Cola nags and finally pushes for Grove Press to give in to the demands as though it have kidnapped a child and are asking for ransom.
Coca- Cola beats the dead cat to the grave, as though it had patented the very phrase, “It’s the real thing.” However, Grove Press is not intimidated. Sarcastic in how comedic the situation Coca-Cola has raised with Grove’s marketing expression “It’s the real thing.” Humorously beginning the letter with sarcasm Grove Press “instructed all [its] salesmen to notify bookstores that whenever a customer comes in and asks for a copy of Diary of a Harlem Schoolteacher they should request the sales personnel to make sure what the customer wants is a book, rather than a Coke.” Grove is appalled in the belittlement of