Unit 1
AC =ante christom; Latin Alternative for BC
Active Union (1907) =laws that created UK
AD =anno domine, year of the lord; Christian calendar term marking the birth of Christ
Babylonian captivity =1305 through 13771 popes lived in Avignon France not Rome it looks like the church was a puppet of French government it hurt reputation
BC =before Christ; Christian calendar term year before Christ
BC =before Common Era modern equivalent to BC
Belgium =Wallonia =poor burden French Flanders =two historic of Belgium
Black Death =aka bubonic plague
Carpe diem =seize the day philosophy live life to the fullest
Catalonia =largest minority in Spain
CE =Common Era; modern equivalent of AD
CLASSICAL =of or relating to Greece and Rome
Condoteri =commands mercenary
Contra Posta =art term all weight on one limb
Doge =title held by elected Prince Ruler of Venice
Etiquette =manners
Genesis =first book in the Old Testament of the Bible beginning of something
Gothic =architectural style associated with medieval architecture
Humanism =study of man and then achievements
Literacy =ability to read
Medici =the great powerful wealthy family that lived in Florence Cosimo and Lorenzo
Medieval =synonym middle age; period from 476 AD to approximately 1400
Nominally =in name in (not really)
Patron =to be a supporter of
Perspective =art term to show depth in the painting
Philology =study of language in purest form
Proximity =closeness to
Psychology =study of the mind and how we think
Renaissance Man =man who can do everything and do it well
Republic =government without king or queen
Scapegoats =blame others when things go wrong usually unfair
Schism =split usually religious
Secular =not religious in character
Seminal =profound or great importance
Sociology =study of how men interact with others
Textile =cloth
Theocracy =government be religious leaders
Theology =study of religion / God
Urban =of or pertaining to cities
Vernacular =everyday language
Vexillology =the study of flags
Annunciation =any work of art that shows the angel Gabriel tell the holy mother that she will bear Christ.
Veni vidi vicai =I came I saw I conquered
Disce Aut Discede =Learn or Leave
Cathedral =the church of a bishop
Basilica =the church of a Pope, houses authoritative and powerful persons
Facade =the face of a building
Fresco =painting done on wet plaster
Madonna =shows holy mother holding infant Christ
Pieta =show holy mother crucified Christ
Holland =aka the Netherlands
Monopoly =singular control of something, usually buisness
Caravel =revolutionary Portuguese design saling ships, with rounded hull and three triangle sails
Moors =Muslim North African people ruled Spain for 700 years
Reconquista =Spanish term for reconquering catholic reconquest of Spain
Xenophobic =fear of foreigners
Inquisition =Spainish religious court testing faith of Catholic
Burghers =urban middle class
Bourgeoisie =French term for urban middle class
Usurp =one who seizes a throne that is not theirs by right of birth
Regent =title held by person who rules for monarch who is sick or too young
Tudor =royal dynasty ruled England 1485-1603
Hapsburgs =royal dynasty of HRE (Austria) 500AD-1918BC
Sultan =title held by Ottoman ruler
Mehmet =captured Constantinople in 1485
Unit 2
Reformation =Term for the act to change/reform the Catholic Church; it then led to the shattering of Christian unity
Temporal = Worldly or political
Clergy =term for the professional member of Church; (ex. Priest, Rabi, Minister, Mullah)
Cleric =syn. for clergy man
Clerical =one who works in office usually secretary
Anti-Clerical= against clergy to be opposed to the power of
Tithes =to give portion of earnings to church usually 10%
Dogma =specific teachings, practices, and beliefs of religions
Nepotism =showing favoritism towards friends and family
Pluralism =to hold more than one office at once
Siminy =to buy or sell religious office
Indulgences =things that Catholic could do or buy to atone for sins
Vulgate =Latin version of the