Aarons, G. A., & Sawitzky, A. C. (2006). Organizational culture and climate and mental health provider attitudes toward evidence-based practice. Psychological Services, 3(1), 61-72. doi:10.1037/1541-1559.3.1.61
Keeping a constructive culture and good organizational climate will lend itself to mental health providers being more welcoming to changes in practice and evidence-based practice
Caporoso, R. A., & Kiselica, M. S. (2004). Career counseling with clients who have a severe mental illness. Career Development Quarterly, 52(3), 235-2.
Developmental career counseling with persons with mental illness includes careful intake interviews, selecting assessment tools that take into account mental health symptoms, and setting appropriate goals. Clients with mental illness may lack maturity in career development, but developmentally-appropriate counsel will assist the clients in overcoming barriers to employment.
Casper, E. S. (2003). A self-rating scale for supported employment participants and practitioners. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 27(2), 151-158.
Researchers utilized the Need for Change scale (NFC) for persons in supported employment settings; the workers rated their satisfaction with employment. The results indicated an urgent need for change among the majority of subject. The use of the tool in career counseling may suggest factors that increase early termination of employment, and it may also be helpful to assess ongoing needs of employed persons with mental illness.
Casper, E. S., & Fishbein, S. (2002). Job satisfaction and job success as moderators of the self-esteem of people with mental illnesses. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 26(1), 33-42. doi:10.2975/26.2002.33.42
Self-esteem is proposed as an appropriate and modifiable outcome of career services for persons with mental illness. Self-esteem appears to vary with the levels of satisfaction and success that are dependent upon employment status.
Gregitis, S., Glacken, J., Julian, C., & Underwood, K. (2010). Comparing working role values of employed and unemployed Clubhouse members. Work, 36(1), 39-46. doi:10.3233/WOR-2010-01005
Results from questionnaires, surveys, and checklists showed no significant difference in the work role values of persons who are unemployed and those who are employed. The Clubhouse members all valued volition and motivation in work roles.
McKay, C. E., Osterman, R., Shaffer, J., Sawyer, E., Gerrard, E., & Olivera, N. (2012). Adapting Services to Engage Young Adults in ICCD Clubhouses. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 35(3), 181-188.
Successful clubhouse programs use strategies to engage young adults, such as outreach efforts led by young adults, supports and connections with educational institutions, addressing housing issues, and using technologies appealing to the population.
Szymanski, E.M., Hershenson, D.B., Ettinger, J.M., Enright, M.S. (1996) Work and disability: Issues and strategies in career development and job placement. Austin, TX: Pro-ed. In: Merz, M. A., & Harvey, R. B. (1998). Career development theory as a framework for assessment and planning in clubhouse-based transitional employment programs for people with psychiatric disabilities. Work (Reading, Mass.), 10(3), 219-233. doi:10.3233/WOR-1998-10303
A model of career development developed by Szymanski et al. (1996) includes five factors, which are interrelated within each group of factors and also across factor groups; any factor may encourage or discourage career development. The factors include contextual (such as socioeconomic), individual, mediating (such as future prospects), work environmental, and outcome. Merz and Harvey (1998) suggest the use of workshops to teach career planning skills in the clubhouse setting and utilizing the career development model.
Killackey, E. J., Jackson, H. J., Gleeson, J., Hickie, I. B., & McGorry, P. D. (2006). Exciting career opportunity beckons! Early intervention and vocational rehabilitation in