Animals are considered our friends and many people enjoy visiting their local zoo to go and learn more about the different species that share the planet with us. It comes to know surprise however, that many people are against the idea of using animals for research. Upon conducting my own research on the different procedures that are utilized on different animals I feel that using animals in research is the right approach. I feel that the Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in the Care and Use of Nonhuman Animals in Research provide excellent guidelines to be followed that protect animals from suffering, pain, or being mistreated. In my opinion, it is necessary for animals to be used for research purposes because it would benefit the health of humans and allows us to understand more about behavioral patterns of individuals.
I feel that my opinion was greatly affected once I learned how the Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in the Care and Use of Nonhuman Animals in Research strives to protect the animals and ensure that they are not abused. I think that the guidelines are set because they are aware that research has to be done in order to come up with better technology for the advancement of human procedures as well as teaching individuals. I particularly like how it states in the guidelines that “Laboratory animals are to be provided with humane care and healthful conditions during their stay in any facilities of the institution” ( ). This lets me know that they are
Scientists use animals in biological and medical research more as a matter of tradition, not because animal research has proved particularly successful or better than other modes of experimentation. In fact, animal ‘models’ have never been validated, and the claim that animals are necessary for biomedical research is unsupported by the scientific literature[1]. Instead, there is growing awareness of the limitations of animal research and its inability to make reliable predictions about human health…
Should animal research be continued? Animal testing is important because it would not be morally right to give a human a substance that had never been given or tested on a living organism before. We need to test and identify any side effects as accurately as possible before giving the medicine to any human being. Millions of animals such as dogs, rats, rabbits, mice, and cats are being tested in laboratories for human research. Animal research still remains to be a controversial topic but it has…
Animal Research Animal testing has contributed to helping find cures for breast cancer, tuberculosis, and to develop the pacemaker. Several animals are used for testing because they are more comparable to humans; Mice are 98% similar to humans and Chimpanzees are 99% similar to the DNA of humans. Both humans and animals both share some of the same illnesses like; cancer and diabetes. Many health products and make-up products have been tested by use of animals and approved by the FDA. Animals…
Should Animal Used For Research Although people always say that treat every creature equally, scientists choose to use animals to doing research. Animals also have their own family and home, it is just like human, and humans technically are part of the animal species, so imagine that one family lost their son or others by doing scientists’ test, will they be happy? On the other hand, Animals and Human share different reactions to the drugs and chemicals tested, Animals and humanities are not…
and theft are ‘acceptable crimes’ when used for the animal cause,” says Alex Pacheco, co-founder and former chairman of People for the Ethical Treatment for Animals.” Pacheco first became famous by fraudulently posing as a researcher in order to spy on Edward Taub and his Institute for Behavioral Research in an investigation that helped launch PETA. His photographs of sick and injured monkeys from inside the Institute gave the growing animal-rights movement instant credibility. I am a member of…
Animal Experimentation i Should Animal Experimentation Be Abandon? Veronica Liang ESL 408C Marcia Rauch November 18, 2011 Animal Experimentation ii Research Paper Outline Title: Should Animal Experimentation be Abandon? I Introduction Thesis Statement: Animal testing is a debatable issue in modern society. Some people argue that animal testing should be kept due to medical benefits and research study conveniences. However, I think animal experimentation should be banned by refuting…
Paper Animal Cruelty Animal cruelty is a growing social issue that many people do not understand. Each type of abuse has displayed certain patterns of behavior that we can use to help understand more about why people commit the crimes they do today. Animal cruelty is broken down into two main categories: active and passive. Active cruelty implies malicious intent, where a person had deliberately and intentionally causes harm to an animal. I want to argue to argue for the prevention of animal cruelty…
Logan McDougal Animal Rights Research Paper 11-20-14 Correct Rights Michael Pollan - “Were the walls of our meat industry to become transparent, literally or even figuratively, we would not long continue to do it this way.” (447) Like Pollan, I agree that factory farming is inhumane and that animals deserve respect. Also similar to Pollan I think that people should be fighting for animal welfare instead of animal rights. Pollan though, never makes a strong argument for or against animal rights, which…
Seminar 26 April 2013 Animal Rights Everyone has their own opinions on animal rights. Some think animals should have the same rights as humans and some do not. Supporters of animal rights believe that animals have an ‘inherent worth”. They believe that every creature with a will to live has a right to live free from pain and suffering. They believe all animals are unique just like humans. Non-supporters believe animals aren’t as important as humans and use animals for things such as entertainment…
February ………. Animal cruelty comes in all forms, but one form might be right in front US citizens; animal performers. Animal performers are all around, from on TV to zoos and circuses. Animals have been a form of entertainment for centuries and even though there are more regulations now, are they enough? In most Americans minds the animals that are around are free, safe, happy creatures, but most Americans do not know the psychological effects of being in captivity. Or how animal performs really…