Lily Khanania English 202 10/24/12 Animal Farm Essay
There’s a group of animals who came up with a master mind plan to take over the human rights. The animals throw off the humans and establish a socialist state called Animal Farm. The pigs are the most intelligent and lead the group, they are the ones who came up with the plan. Snowball and Napoleon get into an argument and try to fight for power. George Orwell’s purpose for writing Animal Farm was to demonstrate how the use of power can be very positive in the beginning but that too much power in the hands of few can gradually devastate a community. The story is based off a Soviet Union mix. The story is told from the point of view of the common animals of animal farm. The pigs eventually abuse the power and the extra milk taken from the cows disappeared and has drunk it himself. The dogs attack on boxer during Napoleon’s purge. The pigs eventually betray the loyal cart house. Napoleon got power and the pigs lost it. Napoleon is more of a demanding, overpowering pig who always gets what he wants. He gets influenced easily and always puts himself first. He believes that he is Animal Farm’s destined leader and praises himself for all the things that he has done for the animals. Snowball, however, believes in the happiness of his citizens. He would always put the farm first and try to achieve everyone’s needs. For example, before he was chased out, he drew diagrams of the
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