I'm from Ohio but I Live in California so I choose the Board of Registered nursing at rn.ca.gov. The Board of Registered Nursing regulates the practice of registered nursing and certified advanced practice nurses in order to protect the public. The Board exists to protect the health and safety of consumers and encourage quality registered nursing care in California. Registered Nursing (2013). Some of the services that are provided are Setting RN Educational Standards, Approving California Nursing Programs, Evaluating Licensure Applications, Issuing and Renewing Licenses, Issuing Certificates, Taking Disciplinary Action, and Managing a Diversion Program. The Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) has the primary responsibility of licensing and regulating registered nurses in California. The BRN's responsibilities come from the Nursing Practice Act, which is composed of California statutes that give the BRN, among other functions, the authority to investigate complaints and take disciplinary action against registered nurses. These investigation and disciplinary functions are handled by the Board's Enforcement Program. The Board of Registered Nursing's Enforcement Program staff work with health care consumers and health care professionals in identifying those registered nurses who have engaged in any activity which may be unsafe and which may put the public at risk. Issuing and Renewing Licenses: Registered