Essay about Ancient Rome

Submitted By ahoysailor
Words: 1423
Pages: 6

Ancient Rome: The Rise and fall
A dominating empire, power and determination raced through the veins of all citizens. Relentlessly showing the advancements in their technology towards the other civilizations in the Mediterranean Basin was Ancient Rome. A city so strong that even when the invasion of the Barbarians, the Romans were able to still keep the cities language, their biggest continuity. However, strong or pronounced a civilization is, it shall fall eventually from its Achilles heel being discovered. Or else the lack of certain knowledge, otherwise their lucky streak beings to run out, as well as a new civilization shall rise in its place. For the mighty Romans, it was the invasion of the Barbarians and the division of the empire into the eastern and western halves. A story quiet similar to Cinderella’s, from poor and pushed around to obtaining power and riches. The Roman civilization started off as an underprivileged and weak city-state. In Robert W. Strayer’s, Ways of the World, “The Romans were reduced to kidnapping neighboring women in order to reproduce” (Strayer, 155.) The first change for the Romans in was in 509 B.C.E, when the aristocrats changed the monarchy ruling to a republic, which made the wealthy class (the patricians) in control. With the new government change, the lower class then “ written a code of law offered plebeian some protection from abuse; a system of public assemblies provided an opportunity for lower classes to shape public policy; and a new office of tribune, who represented plebeians, allowed them to block unfavorable legislation” (Strayer, 155.) This was also “The law of ancient Rome from the time of the founding of the city in 753 B.C.E. until the fall of the Western Empire in the 5th century C.E. It remained in use in the Eastern, or Byzantine, Empire until 1453. As a legal system, Roman law has affected the development. (Roman law, Britannica.) Through government change, Rome was able to improve as a civilization and fully launch their empire which took 500 years. Within the time frame, Rome had invaded and taken control of Italy and between 264 B.C.E and 146 B.C.E won in the Punic War, in result gained controlled “…a powerful empire with its capital in North Africa, extended Rome control over the western Mediterranean and made Rome a naval power” (Strayer 155.) The recent gain of empires and city-states pronounced Rome to be most persevering empire at this time frame. With the location of Rome and the accessibility to other cities and empires, the conquering amount of empires and cities increased along with the population, quickly the political party became more in favoring the expansion of the empire. The Romans were never heartless to those they concurred, in fact they were quiet generous and understanding. The Roman authorities would grant citizenship and even allow to “maintaining the local rulers” (Strayer 157.) The problem with the expansion of the empire was if the republic values and government would still be in control. The answer was no, Rome changed into a more devolved in an emperor. In the rein of Augustus from 27 B.C.E. - 14 C.E. and he claimed himself to be the single ruler; Rome left from being republic and turned into an empire. With the change in government leadership this was one match that lit the fuse of destruction for Rome. In Thomas Cahill in his book, How the Irish Saved Civilization, he names a few of the causes (only going the major ones that were fully addressed in the paper.) Changes in the population within the Empire, and the weak borders which allowed intermingling between Barbarians and Romans, (Cahill 11-20.) The barbarians took the location and relationship with the Roman 6 century. Constantine divided the empire into halves, the eastern and western and in time the divided halves became their independent political entries. With 65% of their financial help from the eastern side and 66% of the army was on the west.