Analysis Of Website

Words: 1093
Pages: 5

Analyitical Report of website:

Student name: Garth Trickett

Student number: 3068276

Tutor Name: Carol Drew

Table of contents
1. Executive summary
2. Introduction
3.1 How easy is it to choose a course and apply for the university it using the website? 3.2 Website Template Layout

3.3 Homepage Layout

3.4 Colour Scheme

4.1 Conclusion

4.2 Recommendations

5. References

Executive summary

The aim of this report is to critically analyse the architecture of the website The information gathered from the analysis will be used to devise solutions to problems with the website. The technique of examination for the website was to thoroughly

The most effective solution would be to put “WHO ARE YOU” heading at the top with two subheadings “Year 12 Leaver” and “mature age student” written underneath. This would then lead to the information about applying for each student type.

Website Template Layout
The website template layout is generally set out well although some aspects of it particularly the top half appears very mediocre. . A search bar is present as well as side navigational bar and top navigational bar. The top navigational bar looks squished and would benefit greatly with a size increase and a font change. A click on the current student tab in the homepage sends the user to a page with a number of different headings about different aspects of information current students may need. The page is set out well and explanation of what each heading is about is written underneath.

Home page Layout
The homepage is definitely a strong point for the university website, the "for" and "about" navigational menus categorize information well making it easy to determine where information is, r relevant to each different user type. News board located on the right home page is a good addition to the website. Keeping users informed with important updates about the university and its subsidiary organisations. Quick links drop down bar needs an explanation