Analysis Of Sand And Acid

Submitted By jeaxman2
Words: 479
Pages: 2

Before starting this lab I had made a procedure and flow chart. But after completing the lab, it was not quite what I had predicted. I had assumed the magnet would be used to remove the iron filings. I had also thought that water would be used to maybe heat and cool. I had no idea that all the heating and cooling would have to take place in order to separate the other solids from one another though. The funnel and filter method had been in my original procedure. The drying effect for the sand and acid were not in my original planning either. It was definitely a part of the experiment that was needed or else the weight of some solids would have been higher than they had originally started out as. But by looking at the solids before they were separated, I would have thought that each of them were at the exact same percentage for the mixture. By my end results, I could tell that wasn’t true. Physical properties were what separated all the solids and liquids that were mixed. The magnet proved its physical property when it separated the iron filings from the table salt, sand and benzoic acid. The factor of solubility was a huge deal with this experiment. We were to boil the water until the top mixture of salt and acid was at the top of the water. Then pour that mixture into its own isolated cup. Since both salt and acid were able to dissolve, separating out the sand was difficult. In that case we were instructed to drain out the acid and salt twice, to make sure all of it was out of the sand mixture. By separating the acid and salt out twice we had to add water after the first time we drained it. This was used as a