Beneath the peaceful serenity of Longboat Bay lie hungry businessmen with dollar signs in their eyes. An opportunity has arisen for the several businessmen and they are more than eager to pounce, even if it entails disregarding the locals and tranquillity that Longboat Bay contains. Only a couple of days ago the business men, Peter Crock, Richard Gallaway, Henry Riom and Mike Zorbas
approached the locals and proposed a deal to buy their land in order to build the hotels that they believe will score them millions.
Peter Crock and his partners want to establish high-class hotels on the shores of Longboat Bay. They say that this will attract many tourists to the bay and with them will come popularity and a place on the map
They are also adamant that this proposed development will
bring nothing but fortune to the people of the currently living there, saying that this would be a perfect opportunity for them to move to the city and start afresh.
But the locals are determined not give up their homes and will stop at nothing to keep the businessmen away. After speaking to Dora Jackson, a well-respected member of Longboat Bay, we understand the full extent of the loss that this son has grown up and where all my best memories and emotions are situated.
I cannot and will not say goodbye, I intend to be pushing up daisies under this very earth. “
Peter Crock approached Dora personally, offering gifts in an attempt to get her to sell her property. She blatantly refused and she says that she will continue to do so.
Dora’s land is of extreme interest to the businessmen; through their eyes it’s a jackpot waiting to be claimed.
We spoke to the current owner of the globally recognised Rena Hotels and he says that it is in fact a very ideal location.
He says that the conditions are perfect, calm and nothing but utter tranquillity. He also goes onto say he would buy that property at the drop of a hat.
When we got an opportunity to talk to Peter he said, “The prospect of it is still in in the early stages and eventually the locals will come around and see the positive side to it. It’s going to change the Bay for the greater