Analysis Of A Group Of Blackfeet Indians With A Medicine Man

Submitted By michael597
Words: 435
Pages: 2

Description: The painting shows a group of Blackfeet Indians with a medicine man

in a foreground. The Indians in the picture are holding long sticks,weapons, and are riding horses. As Men are traveling in a large group, the medicine man seems to be in front. The people, horses, and the ground are made up of warm hues like red and brown. The mountains are made up of cold hues including indigo and sky blue.
Additionally, the painting was made by an oil on canvas.

Analysis: In the painting, one of the elements placed in the picture’s plane is color.
Color is applied to create proportion and some balance because the picture combines cold hue to make up the sky and warm hues to make up the details on the ground.
Space is applied to create emphasis, movement, and proportion because the mountains separate the mountains separate the sky from the ground. Also the distance between the medicine man and the Native Americans indicates the size of it and therefore, it stands out, The figures in the foreground overlap. Forms and lines are applied to create texture and movement because the forms are so realistic they grab our attention. Value and intensity don’t really contribute to many principles except proportion because most of the colors are really similar to each other.

Interpretation: It can be interpreted that a man and the people following him are probably going to war. This is true because in the picture, Indians are holding shields, swords, and are riding horses in a huge army and so the people behind hm are probably soldiers. The mood and emotion is communicated by the placement of Native
Americans in the artwork holding tools for combat. In that case, the artwork creates a mood of determination and