During this weeks assignments and lessons we went over a lot of cool new features with Dreamweaver. Lesson 8 learning objectives begin with selecting table elements, creating and modifying tables. The selecting on tablets was very detail and specific how to create, edit, and style tables within Dreamweaver. After trying it a few times myself I felt the process was very simple and easy. At the end of the lesson we briefly discussed controlling table cell assignments. This was also nice to learn and understand and demonstrate.
Lesson 9 was more about fine tuning your workspace and working with guides and grids. Working with guides was amazing and easy to understand and apply. The grids weren't that simple the first time trying to implement them live in a browser. Previewing each lesson in the browser is instant gratification and makes you feel really good seeing what you created virtually.
Lesson 10 begin with adding flash video and sound. This was very exciting to me as I never added flash video to a site other than Myspace! So that was very nice to pick up right away and display. With all the different file types I can see that video or sound will need to inserted properly for any sound or video to display properly. Next we went on to learn inserting different known media file types.
In the final lesson for this week Lesson 11 was focused on maximizing your site design. The