Analyse the problems Pauline and Louis encountered. How would you solve these dysfunctions? Based on this example, what can you say about customer satisfaction in a multichannel context?
1. Pauline did not even look at the competition
The bank need to direct or indirect distribution to make products available to customers.
2. Pauline was tried to meet Bernard who had called the call-centre to make the appointment.
Shifting trend from human service that the bank need to support the phone for adviser, or customer can ask the question on the internet or e-mail.
3. Pauline needed to supporting documents to confirm his decision that Bernard was not there when they came.
Growing no. of customers paying bills online or ATM, using mobile for money transfer, Internet for identifying providers of credit/mortgage, use the internet to send the documents to adviser.
4. The call-centre could not help her.
Technology – convenience for customers while cost efficiency to FIs, Use of tech replacing human contact affect the nature of customer relationship. Should support the personal service.
5. Pauline was disappointed by the interest rate.
The bank needs to encourage customers to use tech by offering discount on online purchase
Customers choose channels they wish to use and have different channels for different product.
1. It is characterized by a decentralized decision-making system, even though it has a cohesive financial, commercial and legal organization. It has nearly 7160 branches that serve 20 million individual, professional and small business customer.
The branch has