An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge1What Essay

Submitted By x348967234
Words: 441
Pages: 2

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

1.What is Peyton Farquhar's occupation? Peyton Farquhar is a wealthy plantation owner in North Alabama.

1. Why is he not a soldier, officer, or part of the army?
Peyton Farquhar was a well to do planter, he like other slave owners a politician he was naturally an original secessionist and ardently devoted to the Southern cause. But because of his overbearing personality, he failed to join the army.

3. How much time actually elapses between the opening and closing lines of Part III?
I think the time pass was 30-40 seconds. His home and his family was the last picture on his brain.

4. Describe the setting at the opening of the story.
“An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” was in north Alabama during the last day of the Civil War. The Union Army is fast moving to southward. Enforcing it new government with execution of spies.

5. Identify and describe the sound that disturbs the thoughts going through his mind.
The ticking from his watch.

6. In the flashback of the story's second section, who visits Peyton Farquhar?
The soldier wearing dark gray uniform comes to visit Farquhar at his home, asking for water.

7. What plan does Farquhar conceive as a result of this visit?
Because the soldier was from North. Farquhar believe his idea, he thought the soldier is in disguise as a Confederate. Farquhar decides to go to Owl Creek bridge.

8. What does Farquhar imagine in the story's last section?
He imagines that he kalked go back home, his beautiful wife sitting by the door waiting for him and he being withe his family.

9. Ironically, what is his real fate?
He was die by hanged.

1. Do you think the writer tries to enlist your sympathies toward either the