A primary school with a nursery attached is known as statutory setting as is provided by the Government. It aims to give education to 5-12 year olds to help them learn different subjects and the world around them from the national curriculum. In a primary school the staff has to follow the rules for the child such as if your child is ill and needs to have medicine at different times of the day then the staff have to give to your child. Schools aim to create an environment to make the child feel happy and secure and to enjoy learning at school. Also an example of a setting for children under 5 is the nursery attached to the school the purpose is to care for them and show the children the beginning of school life. They offer sessions and can come either morning or afternoon.
A day nursery is known as a private setting as the make their own money and is run by an owner or a company. A day nursery offers full day care for young children giving opportunities for group activities with the children, getting the children to have independence and have confidence. Day nurseries are normally open from 8 till 6. Some nurseries may also do out of school and holiday clubs; generally taking children up to 8 years. A dance class for 5- 7 year olds aims to keep children fit whilst having fun dancing to music. It aims to get children socializing and building up their confidence through performance.
An example of a professional who works with children is a speech therapist whose role is to work with children with speech, language and communication problems. They assess the child before deciding on the treatment programmes to make sure the child can see the most improvement out of it. Treatment programmes involve other people with who the child has a close relationship with such as family member or teacher.
Information about children and their family’s needs to be kept confidential to keep them to keep them safe. To keep information confidential make sure it is kept in a locked locker or password protected file. You shouldn’t talk about the children outside of the setting as other people could know the child and tell your employer what you are saying. Also people could hear what you are saying and you’re putting the child in danger if the wrong people here it.
When you start placement you will find out some things on your first day at the placement. You will find out about what to wear as it has to be practical an easy to wash as lots of things such as paint will end up on your clothing. Also your shoes have to be flat and comfortable as you will be on your feet a lot. You should make a journey out to see your placement so that you can get there on time and make a good impression. You will find out what is expected of you such as showing enthusiasm and willingness to learn and being polite so as to show a positive attitude. You will be expected to bring your placement diary and anything else you need with you every day you are at placement. You will find out about who you will be working with for different activities. You will find out who you will need to turn to if you have any problems at the placement.
Every child is different so you should value every child as an individual. If the is a higher than average reading age then they should be given the next reading age up to challenge their reading skills but they should be treated the same as someone with a lower than average reading age and they can practice their reading with a parent or guardian also if a child can’t walk very well then they should have things adapted so that they can join in with someone who can walk normally and shouldn’t be treated any differently or stopped from doing anything anyone else is doing.
You should cater for every child’s needs and encourage children to learn about the world around them. Their needs to be the right equipment so that each child can get the full use out