My job role at Walton Lodge is Assistant Deputy Manager. I communicate daily with a variety of individuals in different professions. I communicate daily with support staff at Walton Lodge and I also communicate daily with Tracey Ridley ( Deputy Manager) Sally Box (Registered Manager). I regularly speak on the telephone communicating with GP's, Secretaries, Receptionists and a wide range of other professionals. I also communicate with clients on a daily basis, I use various forms of communication when communicating with clients such as Makaton and picture cards. In my job role I need to communicate to support staff daily, informing them of their shifts, any changes with any overtime available and generally offering support. I communicate with the GP's discussing client information and appointments. I communicate daily with Tracey Ridley and Sally Box regarding the general days tasks and running of Walton Lodge.
I always ensure that any messages I pass over to staff are documented either in the handover book or written down in my personal note pad to ensure that these are communicated efficiently. I also record telephone conversations and ask for the GP or secretaries names to ensure that should I have a problem with any messages being passed on I can contact the individual I have been dealing with. In my job role I need to be clear when passing messages on to staff and also to Tracey Ridley and Sally Box. I must ensure that any messages I receive over the phone such as ( Prescriptions ready to be picked up) are passed on immediately to the relevant individual otherwise they will get forgotten about and clients would be left without medication. Also when chasing up staff references I need to communicate effectively with Tracey Ridley to ensure that we are not both working on the same reference and as not to confuse both parties.
Some barriers that effect good communication in my job role are trying to contact a GP but dealing with a receptionist who does not understand the matter correctly but will not transfer to speak to a GP. This makes my job harder as when speaking directly with a GP I can communicate the issue and discuss the client and the GP will know the problem/answer. Another example of this is when we fax a message over to the GP practice we phone the practice up to confirm that they have received this. On numerous occasions the receptionist will confirm that they have received the fax but later that day they will call back saying that they have not received a fax from Walton Lodge. Another barrier which makes it difficult to communicate is support staff not passing relevant messages on such as if a staff member phones in sick for a shift and staff don't inform the management team we can't cover a shift as e don't know about it. This in turn effects the running of the home and staff morale and clients at risk if staffing levels are not adequate.
To overcome the communication barrier between ourselves and the receptionists at the GP practices we now ask to speak directly with the GP or if this is not possible we ask for a call back. alternatively we will leave a message with the receptionist but always ensure that we have their name and document the time of the conversation as if the message does not get passed on we can evidence that we have communicated this to the individual named. We have also now set our fax machine to send reports to confirm that a fax has been sent and received and we also telephone to confirm that a fax has been received. This stops the communication barrier between ourselves and the receptionists by us having evidence that the fax has been received.
I communicate verbally with support staff on a daily basis regarding any issues or problems they may have, any support they may need with clients and any general questions they may have. I also communicate daily with clients who are both verbal and non-verbal. I use Makaton with several clients as