American Slavery Essay

Submitted By kalee19
Words: 1824
Pages: 8

Literature of Slavery During the 19th century America was enduring one of its first extreme economic advances as well as a major and detrimental division of its citizens. Northern Americans wanted to abolish slavery due to Federal Government and economic reasons. The South wanted to keep slavery because it was the main source of income for the entire nation. Not only were slaves struggling to fight for their freedom, but women were as well. Women had a fractional amount of freedom compared to the average American man, and were set on defending their equality rights. This essay will discuss these points and analyze how these events progressed America to be the country of freedom that we know today. Though Northerners have acquired a modern reputation for looking like “the-good-guys” from demanding the abolishment of slavery, the demand was not formed out of a sense of moral guilt. Northerners had to pay factory workers and worry about labor laws and regulations. While in the South, slave owners did not have to worry about labor laws. The factories in the North were much more dangerous and the employees would usually have long hours and little pay, which would make productivity hazardous and inefficient. Although slavery was morally wrong and the work was hard, there were many slaves paid in land by their master. Many also had better living conditions than the factory workers. This sparked Northern factory owners, who had the main political control and power in the North, to demand the South abolish slavery. Northerners were making it seem like slaves had a cushy lifestyle once they were free. Yet even freed slaves were not receiving equality and vast new prospects in the North. Racism did not cease to exist in the North during or after the Civil War. It is a common myth that the North was welcoming freed slaves with jobs, land and opportunities. Northerners simply wanted the South’s economic power to be brought down and to have the government implement more regulations on them. Meanwhile, in the South, over 60 percent of the world’s supply of cotton was being distributed from the production of the plantations in the South. This was obviously a major benefit to the nation’s economy. There was no incentive for Southerners to agree with the North, because without slaves, they would be losing their profit. Black Americans were either slaves in the South, struggling to find livelihood as a freed slave, or being put through the terrible and unsafe working conditions in the North. There was no “better” treatment for them, slave or free. There was so much turmoil between North and South, free states and slave states, abolitionists and slave owners; citizens of the country began writhing with passionate hate for whoever didn’t agree with their beliefs. Generally, every person was concerned solely for what they thought was best for themselves. The North and South were unwavering, refusing to compromise, which eventually led to the Civil War. The country was torn in all different directions and tensions were high between anyone of opposing views. While up North, states were feeding off of the success of railroads, factories and other industrial advantages. The South remained much more rural and relied on the cotton plantations to provide economic growth. The South needed to find a way of compromising with the North in order to have access to railroads and even expand them. The North needed to compromise with the South in order to level the economic playing field. Yet, neither would budge. The South was not completely pro-slavery and many historians will ignore the Southerners who spoke out against slavery. One of the most famous Southern abolitionists was Angelina E. Grimke. She wrote From Appeal to the Christian Women of the South in 1836 as an effort to project her ideas on why slavery is morally wrong. She specifically reached out to Southern women and wrote in simple language so that she