So you know that job interview I mentioned last time? The really important one that I was sure I messed up at? Well, guess what? I actually got the job. Hoorah! I guess I didn’t stumble over my answers as much as I thought I did. Either that or they just didn’t care. At any rate, my first day of work is two weeks from now. Plenty of time to prepare. Actually, if you ask me, the next couple of weeks won’t be able to pass quickly enough.
In the meantime, I’ve just been hanging out with some of my friends here. A few old buddies and I went to catch a game the other day. I know you’re not into football, so I won’t bore you with any of the details. Besides, my team lost, so I’m not sure I really want to remember the details, anyway. But afterwards, we went out for a bite at a bar & grill downtown—a real swanky place called “The Red Ruby” that just opened up last month. (We should go the next time you’re in town for a visit. It’s a little on the pricey side, but the food there was worth it.)
That brings me to my next piece of exciting news: I met a girl at the bar. A real beauty, too. Her name is Emily, but goes by Millie. We got to talking for a bit, and I found out that she majored in History Education at the University of Washington around the same time we were both at the University of Wyoming. She said she had a lot of friends at our college, though, and she’d even been to visit a few times. Small world, hmm? To think the two of us would
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