Amadeus Mozart Essay

Submitted By Taylor-O'Clair
Words: 724
Pages: 3

Taylor Sullivan
October 3, 2012
Mrs. Francoeur
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is a composer of sonatas, operas, and symphonies. He was born in Salzburg, Austria in 1756. During his life he has been a very successful composer and considered the greatest by many people. The music he had composed was and still is very emotional and a person a can identify when he was having distraught or joyous times. Mozart was a very young music prodigy. At the age of 4 he composed his first song. Salieri also a composer was jealous of Mozart’s musical talents and abilities. Salieri taught the emperor of Austria. During this time he always listened to Mozart’s pieces and tried to make his better, but Mozart’s music was simple yet delightful and glorious. Though he wasn’t very responsible in Salieri’s eyes Mozart was a young immature, always showing up late, crazy man that he hated. Mozart writes several opera’s for his archbishop and composes them in German, which was passionately written. A Turkish girl sings in Mozart’s play and then had her as a girlfriend but Salieri was in love with her and he never even laid a finger on her to get attention. Soon Salieri begins to get violent thoughts that were about Mozart for all the hate he has for him. Mozart is now twenty-six at this time and gets married to Sanzi. His father didn’t approve of the wedding before it happened so he does not like Sanzi very much. Soon enough Mozart begins to struggle financially and Sanzi brings music to Salieri to look over to see if he can use any of it. Salieri is appalled, looking over their music there isn’t one wrong mark it is perfect in every way and glorious, never even finished. Salieri burned his cross because Jesus gave Mozart more talents then her gave Salieri. Sanzi is expecting a child soon. Mozart, Sanzi, and his father go to a party and his father doesn’t approve and he thinks it’s nonsense and foolish. At the party Mozart mocked Salieri without even noticing that he was there. Salieri sent Mozart a free, paid for maid and said it was from a secret admirer. He wants to snoop around Mozart’s house and see where he gets his inspiration and to find out his weak spots. Mozart soon made another opera but the Emperor attempts to ban it because it causes trouble with the French. But Mozart persuades the Emperor enough to let him compose it. The Emperor gets bored with the play and said it was to long. So Salieri shows him how to keep it short,