Essay on Allergy and Emergency Response

Submitted By alma14c
Words: 863
Pages: 4

Mendoza 1
Cinthia Mendoza
Ms. Jones
EMS 102
Objectives: Part 2 Medical Emergencies 1. Breathing problems means mild or severe blockage of the air passages.
Signs are : breathing very fast or very slow, having trouble with breathing, noisy breaths; sound or whistle as air enters or leaves lungs, can only make sounds or speak no more than a few words at a time in between breaths when person is trying to say more.
Actions -
· Make sure scene is safe
· Ask person if they have medicine, if they need their medicine but is too sick to get it, get it.
· Ask person if you have right medicine
· Assemble and use inhaler

2. Allergic reactions hypersensitivity reaction to a particular allergen.
Signs are: Stuffy nose, sneezing and itching around eyes. For severe allergies theres itching of skin, red rash on skin, trouble breathing, swelling of tongue and face. Some actions to take are making sure scene is safe. phone or send someone to phone emergency response # and get first aid kit, if person responds and has epinephirine pen, help them get it, ask them to use it.
Mendoza 2 3. Heart attack a sudden and sometimes fatal occurence of coronary thrombosis, typically resulting in death of heart muscle. Signs of a heart attack may include chest discomfort, discomfort in other areas of the upper body, shortness fo breath, cold sweat, nausea, or light-headedness. Actions would be making sure the person stays calm and rests, phone or have someone phone the emergency response number(911), ask someone to get the first aid kit, if the person has no allergy to aspirin, no serious bleedingm and no signs of a stroke, give them an aspirin, see if person needs CPR if they do give it. 4. Fainting is a short period when a person stops responding for less than a minute and then seems fine. Some signs are the person standing without moving for a long time, especially if the weather is hot, has a heart condition, suddenly stands after squatting or being down and recieving bad news. Actions to take if person is dizzy but still responding, make sure scene is safe, help the person lie flat on the floor, if the person doesn't improve or stops responding, phone your emergency response #(911). Actions that should be taken if person faints and then starts to respond: ask the person to continue to lie flat on the floor until they can sit up and feels normal, if the person fell, look for injuries caused by the fall, phone 911. 5. Diabetes and low blood sugar is a disorder of the metabolism. Signs of low blood sugar can appear quickly and may include a change in behavior, such as confusion or irritability, sleepiness or not responding, hunger, thirst, or weakness, sweating, pale skin color and seizure. Actions that need to be taken are if the person can sit up and swallow, give them somehting that contains sugar to eat or drink, have them sit quietly or lie down, phone or have someone phone 911.
Mendoza 3 6. Strokes occur when blood stops flowing to a part of the brain. This can happen if there is bleeding or a blocked blood vessel in the brain. The warning signs are