Alice In Wonderland Analysis Essay

Submitted By kizamay
Words: 937
Pages: 4

‘Alice in wonderland By Lewis Carroll’ chapter 1-2 analysis

The book begins in the company of a poem about a golden afternoon spent rowing on a river: the narrator of the poem is pressured by three girls (Prima, Secunda and Tertia) to tell them a wild story. The poem is a decently accurate of how the book came to be. The three girls in the boat are the Lidell sisters, of whom Alice is the second oldest. Carroll often amused the girls with wild and fantastic stores on which he made up on the spot. On Alice Lidell’s contention, she took one of his longest stories and wrote it down.

The main theme of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is Alice’s drag herself to adapt to the rules of this new and unexplored world; metaphorically, it is Alice’s struggle to belong to the new and strange rules and odd behaviours of adults. The rabbit, with his watch and his worry for schedules and appointments, is a showing of this adult world. Alice’s story starts when she wonderingly follows him down the hole.
She is characterised as a bright and quick-witted child who often says or does half-witted things; in different worlds, Alice has much in common with any child is who is attempting to behave like someone older than she is actually. Her inaccuracies come about because of ignorance than stupidity. She is also an usually attentive child; be in mindful of the moment when is plummeting down the hall, and she puts the marmalade cautiously back on the shelf for the dread the jar might possibly kill someone if she is to drop the jar.
As Carroll perceives it, the world of children is a deadly place. Not knowing the rules, however incautious or arbitrary those rules may be, is a source of a marvellous peril.
Growth into adulthood, is a central theme to this book. Alice’s adventures parallel journey from childhood to adulthood. She comes into countless new situations in which is absolutely necessary for success. She shows marked improvement throughout the course of the book; in the beginning she can barely maintain enough self-command to keep herself from crying. The theme of notions of identity becomes more clearer, once we hear the voice of the rabbit and the dormouse.They’re both deciding if the young woman, attempting to adjust her size, is a matter of fact the “right” Alice. She fits as much in a discussion within Wonderland, revealed by the actuality that she is partly recognisable, as she does in a Victorian world, where she is having difficulties conforming to decorum. Yet, not everyone is sure of her identity, cueing her fear from the book to be seen as an “ignorant little girl”. By the dialogue shared by those on the other side of the door, we are certain that there was an Alice in Wonderland before. This suggests that the events that took place in the book by Lewis Carroll have happened.
Alice often repeats informations she has heard from adults. She has only learned geography but unfortunately doesn’t entirely understand the way gravity works and so the picture of her falling has oh the world in a concoction of facts and imagination. As a child, her “real” work is tending to make one think of Wonderland. Her thoughts about cats eating bats, or bats eating cats, start the ‘Novella’s exploration of language, it’s meaning, and its meaninglessness’. This is explored through theme of The nature of belonging and not belonging.
In chapter two,