Alexandra Ivory
GLBL 298: Jordan
Dr. Eman Saadah
The Impact and Integration of Syrian Refugees in Jordan
In March of 2011 many Syrians began to protest against their president, Bashar al-Assad, due to the fact that his regime aimed to deploy military units, raising pro-regime militias, as well using those forces to clear the area of rebellions. The protest lead to the Civil War that is taking place over Syria has caused major destruction. This Civil War has forced over Syrians to flee the area to seek support from neighboring counties such as Jordan. In 2012 one the largest Syrian refugee camps opened in Jordan and this camp currently holds over 100,000 Syrian refugees. Due to the large number of Syrian refugees fleeing to Jordan, the migration will impact the country of Jordan in negatively in economic, social, and political aspects. Jordan is one of the poorest countries as far as lacking proper resources such as water and employment. Having more incoming refuges coming to Jordan means more competition for these resources. According to Saleh Al-Kilani, the Jordanian Economic and Social Council has quoted that the cost in Jordan for every Syrian refugee is over US$3,500 every year and the direct cost is US$1.2 billion and is expected to rise to $4.2 billion by 2016. Providing this amount of money cases a huge strain on the citizens of Jordan especially when you take into consideration that in 2010 UNDP report found that in the three most densely populated governorates in Jordan including , Amman, Irbid and Zarqa, contain 57% of people living below the poverty line. (Dahi 2014) The increase in Syrian refugees also means that according to Zetter and Ruaude rent levels are will increase making it even more difficult for even the locals to support the rent. Refuges depresses wage rates and limits employment opportunities, mainly for low-skilled labor, are also increasing. Some of refugees gain employment but yet again this takes away lot for locals who live in Jordan. .
Methodology Once I reach Jordan I hope to talk with officials that work directly with the Syrian refugees as well as Syrian refugees that live inside of the Zaatari camp in order to get a clear understanding of the effects Syrian Refugees have on the Jordanian country. The interview question I plan to ask includes:
1. What is Jordan’s public opinion of the Syrian Refugees?
2. What type of assistance does the Jordan Government provide for the Syrian refuges?
3. Does Jordan have a long term plan to compensate the increase of Syrian refugees?
4. Will Jordan allow Syrian refugees to gain citizenship in Jordan?
5. Are children who are born inside of the Syrian refugee camp give Jordanian citizenship?
6. Does Jordan plan on eventually denying entry to Jordan to the Syrian refugees?
7. What role would do you believe that United States should tie in in order to end the Syrian Crisis?
8. Does the Zaartari have a plan to compensate for food for theses refuges seeing as the United Nations recently just announced that they are suspending the food voucher for Syrian refugees?
Interview questions I would like to ask Syrian refugees would include:
9. How fleeing away from your country impacted your live
10. What are personal experiences/opinions of living within the refugee camp?
11. Do you think you would want to go back to Syrian once the war ends?
12. What would you like to see as change in the Syrian Government
After talking with administrative staff at Yarmouk University, official who work directly with the refugee camps, as well as the Syrian family I’ve learned that Jordan is playing a major role with assisting the Syrian refugees. Zaatari camp has over 120,000 illegal refugees which is not properly stable to hold these refugees. These refuges are not allowed to work because some of these illegal refugees