African AIDs Epidemic
In the early 1980's physicians began noticing strange occurrences in the hospital, mostly in homosexual men. These men were contracting unusual illnesses and forms of cancer and their problems were undiagnosed. Most of these problems they were having were also seen in children that had low immune systems, but these men were otherwise healthy. Soon, more and more patients were submitted to the hospital with the same problems. These patients were drugs addicts that used exposed needles and patients that received blood transfusions. As medical researchers progressed in their studies, they soon found out what was causing all of the illnesses and fatalities in people that seemed to be healthy. This illness is known as the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, better known as AIDS. As the disease has progressed, the United States has formed programs to fight this spreading epidemic. As foundations,
1education, research, and health practices progress, these programs team up with
1the United States to take an active role in battling this world wide epidemic.
AIDs is a sexually transmitted disease that develops from HIV, Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Not only is it transmitted sexually, it can also be transmitted through parenteral exposure before birth, during birth, blood transfusions, and unsterilized needles (Shah). While some people believe they can contract this disease through touch or exposure through the air, it can only be contracted in a few ways. HIV can be tested in a clinic and with home test kits. Although there are many approved self-test kits, there are also many unapproved home test kits (FDA). HIV is a retrovirus that attacks the immune system lowering the white blood cell count in the human body. A retrovirus is a virus that contains RNA. An enzyme named reverse transcriptase gives the retrovirus the ability to copy into DNA, which means that the RNA is unique to its host. This is why a cure is such a difficulty to find (Medterms). In 2008, a study shows there are about 33.4 million people living with HIV, 2.7 million new infections, and 2 million deaths from AIDs. About 7 out of 10 deaths occurred in Africa (Shah).
A low immune system makes the body more susceptible to an outside infection and the body works harder to fight the infection. AIDs develops from HIV within ten years of exposure. The symptoms of AIDs come in three different stages. The first stage many people do not know they have been infected by AIDs. People may experience flu like symptoms two to four weeks after being infected. At the first stage of being infected by the virus, people can spread it to other people. Early on, the virus begins to destroy the immune system and weaken the body. After nine or more years, the second stage begins to kick in. The virus keeps multiplying and destroying the body’s immune system. Many people begin having shortness of breath, weight loss, diarrhea, swollen lymph nodes, and fever during this stage. The last stage of HIV, AIDs happens after ten or more years of being infected by the virus. A person begins having soaking night sweats, unexplained fatigue, shaking chills or constantly having a fever higher than100 degree, swelling lymph nodes for more than three months, chronic diarrhea, and persistent headaches in the last stage (Shah). There are many treatments available to slow the process of the development and 20 approved drugs that aid in the treatment, but no cure is available. Some treatments include combination medicines, reverse transcriptase inhibitors which block the action of reverse transcriptase, which is the protein that HIV needs to reproduce, protease inhibitors that disables protease which is another protein that HIV needs to reproduce, fusion inhibitors which are a newer medicine that work to block the HIV’s entry into cells (FDA). Along with these treatments, there are also many others. Africa’s economical struggles and their leaders are to blame for
for an AIDS Vaccine” Sha’Quita Septs September 25, 2012 “Abstract” Over the past two decades doctors and research scientists have been trying to find a cure for the incurable virus of AIDS. Millions of people worldwide including infants have contracted this disease from birth. AIDS was first identified in the early 1980’s in America and most of its victims were drug users and gay African American men. Over sixteen thousand African American men and women have been diagnosed with AIDS which…
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What is AIDS? AIDS stands for: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS is a medical condition. A person is diagnosed with AIDS when their immune system is too weak to fight off infections. Since AIDS was first identified in the early 1980s, an unprecedented number of people have been affected by the global AIDS epidemic. Today, there are an estimated 34 million people living with HIV and AIDS worldwide. What causes AIDS? AIDS is caused by HIV. HIV is a virus that gradually attacks immune…
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Hiv/Aids Hiv/Aids is a deadly disease in the world today.Majority,of our people that are infected with hiv/aids are the ones that are not protecting themselves . The only way that hiv can be transmitted is through and infected person and pass to another through direct contact from all different types of bodily fluids for instance blood, vaginal secretions, breasts milk, sharing needles . If you want to prevent the spread of hiv you can use a condom everytime, consider the drug Truvada…
HIV/AIDS Definition- AIDS is a chronic life threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. It is a sexually transmitted infection; it can also be spread by contact with infected blood and from mother to child due to breastfeeding. It takes many years for HIV to weaken your system to the point that you have AIDS. There is no cure for HIV/AIDS but there are many medications that can slow down the progression of the disease. How it is transmitted: HIV/AIDS is transmitted sexually…
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