AICPA Code of Professional Conduct
Janet Tran
July 07, 2014
Katherine Parks
The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct principles are considered the foundation of ethical reasoning in accounting because it creates a framework to guide the performance of an accountant’s professional responsibilities and places accountability to accountants to have unyielding commitment to act ethically at all times. The code of conduct serves many purposes but there are three main purposes that are the most important. One of the first most important purposes of the code of conduct is to protect the public. According to Ethical Obligations and Decision Making (Mintz & Morris, 2011), the public interest includes “clients, credit grantors, governments, employers, investors, the business, and financial community, and others who rely on the objectivity and integrity of CPA’s to maintain the orderly functioning of commerce.” Accountants use the principles defined in the code of conduct to help them make ethically sound decision throughout the day. This creates an open and honest communication between the all parties within the public. If accountants reported only what would benefit one public group, such as the company they are reporting for and not the investors, then that would harm one or more of the groups within the public financially. Accountant’s can base their judgment on how to handle situations ethically when they remember whom they are here to protect, which is the public. The second most important purposes of the code of conduct are to help guide accountants in understanding their duties and responsibilities so that they can make ethical decisions. Accountants hold a lot of power when handling a company’s financial reports. If an accountant makes an unethical decision because they are not aware of the negative consequences, then that would be detrimental to the company, the accountant, and anyone with a personal interest in the company. That is why it is important to have a document like the code of conduct that clearly defines what would be an ethically sound decision. To have a clear framework establishes a guide where many accountants can go to make sure they remain ethical. Third most important purpose of the code of conduct are to
Missy L. Sherrod November 13, 2012 ETH 276 AICPA Code of Professional Conduct The main purpose of the AICPA is to support and improve the accounting profession. One of the main ways it does this is by developing and grading the Uniform CPA examination, which is the exam given to accounting professionals hoping to becoming certified public accountants. The AICPA is also responsible for helping to set certain technical standards for CPAs. The AICPA issues statements of position and until the responsibility…
AICPA Code of Professional Conduct Dave Hall ETH 376 Susan Paris July 8, 2013 Purpose of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct In the business world, the accounting area of a business is one area in which a great deal of risk resides. An individual can easily transpose numbers (inadvertently or intentionally), revenue or expenses can be misstated, or financial documents can easily be destroyed. These are but just a few examples in which there is risk in accounting. The AICPA Code of Professional…
education for accountant: The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, the IMA Statement of Ethical Professional Practice, and the Statement on Standards for Tax Services. The primary focus of the IMA is on management accounting and financial accounting issues. IMA sets high ethical standards for accountants who serve the company. As a result, IMA serves businesses that help manager to make decision by working within the company. The primary focus of AICPA Code of Professional Conduct is on accounting profession…
adopted codes of ethics, also known as codes of professional conduct. These ethical codes call for their members to maintain a level of self-discipline that goes beyond the requirements of laws and regulations. CODES OF ETHICS By joining their professional organizations, people who work in the field of accounting agree to uphold the high ethical standards of their profession. Each of the major professional associations for accountants has a code of ethics. The Code of Professional Conduct of the…
ethics to think about other people in your company, not only yourself. Companies establish a code of professional conduct so that users of the professional services know what to expect when they purchase such services, members of the profession know what behavior is acceptable, and the profession can use the rules to monitor the actions of its members and apply discipline where appropriate (Professional Conduct). Deciding on what everyone in the company thinks is right can be difficult though, because…
AICPA Code of Professional Conduct Alicia Pneuman ETH / 376 January 19, 2015 Katherine Parks AICPA Code of Professional Conduct The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) is a voluntary association of CPAs. It has members with numbers around 350,000 of 128 different countries. This association was founded in 1887 creating a strict code of conduct for CPAs to follow. The purpose of the code is to discuss ethical obligations and give guidelines and rules to it’s members…
Amy Hemphill Ch 3 & 4, week 2 Acct 403 3-25 (a-c) The following questions concern audit reports other than unqualified audit reports with standard wording. Chose the best reponse. A) The annual audit of Midwestern Manufacturing revealed that sales were accidentally being recorded as revenue when the goods were ordered, instead of when they were shipped. Assuming the amount in question is material and the client is unwilling to correct the error, the CPA should issue: 1. An unqualified opinion or…
professional accountants believe that the main purpose of accounting standards is to protect the public. With that in mind, what do you think are the main objectives of the AICPA code of professional conduct and how does the code relate to protecting the public? Be specific. The main objectives of the AICPA code of professional conduct are responsibility, public interest, integrity, objectivity, and independences, due care and scope and nature of services. The section regarding responsibility states…
Professional Conduct The code of professional conduct of the America Institute of certified public accountants has two sections – principles and rules. The principles provide a campus for the rules, the rules that govern the performance of all its professional members. (Code of Professional Conduct and By Laws, 2011). The code of professional conduct was adopted by its members to give guidance and rules to all members. AICPA members include public accountants, government employees, scholars; all…
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