My future will consist of an occupation in the medical field. This is something I have always known and it's a dream I will not abandon. In layman's terms, you might say "not just a want, but a need." My family has a long list of members who have pursued jobs in medicine, including pharmacists, nurses, and doctors of varied specialties. I have been preparing myself for as long as I can remember for this spectrum of occupations by sharing my family's interest in their field, and inquiring them of the skill set they possess in their job, many of which I admire and aspire to achieve for myself. I am active in the Health Care Explorer program at Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital. Volunteering at the hospital has increased my interest, but I yearn to learn more. Participation in the UK PEPP Scholars program is only going to enhance my love for medicine, as well as expose me to other people who have my same interests. Beyond that, UK PEPP Scholars will provide me with the chance to explore the beautiful campus of the University of Kentucky, where most of my family has also been educated. My current Biomedical Sciences classes are greatly preparing me for the rigorous course material and heavy work load I will take on during my higher education in College. In addition to knowing I have the academic hardiness and mental resoluteness it takes for this career field, my passion to become a medical professional comes from my desire to help those around me. I feel that pursuing a job