For generations Christopher Columbus was hailed as the discoverer of the Americas. In recent years, some have downplayed this discovery. After all, the Native Americans, Aztec and Mayans had all been living in the Americas and did not want or need to be discovered. Furthermore, it's clear that the Vikings had visited the far northern part of America. Despite these questions, Columbus' accidental discovery of the Americas changed world history. Columbus' willingness and ability to sail so far into uncharted waters and successfully return, secured his reputation as one of the world's greatest explorers.
Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa Italy in 1451. He spent his early years in Genoa. After going to sea Columbus found himself in Portugal. Columbus was determined to find a way to the Orient by sailing west. Columbus believed that the earth was smaller than most others believed and that the best way to get to Asia was to across the Atlantic. Columbus failed to receive support from the Portuguese for an expedition.
In Spain, Columbus received a warmer reception to his proposal to sail westward. After much discussion, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella supported Columbus' plan and provided the money to outfit three ships for him to lead westward.
On August 3, 1492, Columbus departed Palos with three ships: the Nina, the Pinto, and the Santa Maria. After stopping at the Canary Islands, Columbus sailed west for five weeks. On October 12, 1492, land was sited. It was San